Hot off the press – CO2 no longer traps heat and makes it the “hottest year ever!”
(Has there ever been a group of people so completely full of shit?)
Hot off the press – CO2 no longer traps heat and makes it the “hottest year ever!”
(Has there ever been a group of people so completely full of shit?) A guy that use to sell health foods and teaches English to Polish kids is going to save the planet? God I wish George Carlin were still alive to make fun of these idiots.
BTW the voice in the Sinclair video only came out of my LEFT speaker. Should I take that as a hint? :*)
Points 1 and 2 are moot, really. I don’t care what they call it.
Point 3: The motivation for the “attack” on consensus is totally irrelevant to the fact that the “consensus” is totally fabricated.
Jo Nova often refers to this kind of nonsense from alarmist groups as “bluster”.. it’s a lot of hot air that means nothing in the final wash up. It is interchangeable with FOS.
Have you seen this from “The Atlantic” December issue? It’s about some greens talking about green coal apparently. I have not had time to read it in full as I have to rush.
So there you have it, the warmists are reduced to arguing semantics and the big bad business canard is wheeled out yet again. Truly pathetic.
Things are looking a bit bleak 🙁
This BBC article is a very good example of how the warmists use the confusion introduced into the argument by employing both terms, global warming and climate change, as though they were interchangeable to deliberately deceive:
Climate change could well have played a part in the extinction of the Great Auk as the article suggests, but, ironically, it was the global cooling of The Little Ice Age that increased the Arctic ice and thus exposed more of the Great Auks’ breeding islands to predation by those (in this case not quite so saintly) Polar Bears. The article, however, and, in my opinion, it does this quite deliberately, confounds climate change with global warming so that the uninformed reader is led to believe that the extinction of the Great Auk was caused by global warming. The depressing fact is that, as illustrated here, there isn’t any level of dishonesty to which the warmists would not stoop.
heh, good catch all! Does anyone really care who called it GW or CC first? It doesn’t matter how it gets packaged, its still a lie. The number 3 was the best. Energy companies are to blame for this! hahahaahahaha
Any day now they will discover that it was Plato invented the phrase ‘global climate disruption’. Or maybe Socrates. I mean Venus is the
planetgoddess of global warming, so it must’ve been a Greek philosopher that dunnit.