Decline in Vegemite sales would be “consistent with global warming”

Decline in Vegemite sales would be “consistent with global warming”

A recent federally funded study has demonstrated that a decline in the consumption of favourite Aussie spread Vegemite, if such a decline ever occurred, would be consistent with global warming.

Climate Scientist Dr Al Armist said, “It’s been well known for many years that consumption of toast is a very good indicator of global temperature. People just don’t eat toast when it’s hot – simple as that. Here in Australia, toast is invariably accompanied by copious amounts of Vegemite, so if sales of Vegemite were ever to decline, it would indicate clearly that Australian temperatures were rising.”

When asked whether such a decline could be a result of other factors, such as people “simply going off it”, Dr Armist replied that their research showed that global warming was the only explanation. “We looked at all the other possible causes, but we discounted all of them for reasons that would be too complex to explain to the general public, or a journalist.”

The study’s results could be applied in other countries, Dr Armist said. “This isn’t just a local phenomenon, but would be repeated globally. You could look at Marmite, Bovril and other salty, yeasty spreads elsewhere in the world. They would all act as excellent proxies for global temperature, and would certainly be more reliable than GISS.”

The study, which cost the Australian taxpayer a staggering amount of money, also showed that if Vegemite sales were to increase, that too would be entirely consistent with global warming. Dr Armist concluded, “We haven’t quite worked out why yet. But it’s only a matter of time.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Decline in Vegemite sales would be “consistent with global warming”

  1. Baa Humbug says:

    Hey lay off my favourite spread Steve.

    We’re happy little vegemites
    As bright as bright can be
    We all enjoy our vegemite
    For breakfast lunch and tea

    It’s good stuff, gives you power. That’s why us Aussies are good at sports.
    Then again, the decline in vegemite consumption may explain our dismal performances at cricket and rugby lately. sigh

  2. Latitude says:

    I’m embarrassed to admit, I’m hooked on Nutella

  3. bubbagyro says:

    That’s because they are all pohmie b**star*s now in Oz and are all eating Marmite down under because of the wussie Brit-loving government!

  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    But there’ll be more bikini’s.

  5. Tony Duncan says:

    I was thinking the Onion, but I guess this is the equivalent.
    I am am willing to wager that I was hooked on nutella WAY before Latitude

  6. suyts says:

    Lol, more proof that humor reflects reality.

  7. Bdaman says:

    Climate Scientist Dr Al Armist said,

    Is this guy for real, as in actual person.

    Dr. Alarmist ?

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