A tornado outbreak on May 10, 1933 killed dozens of people in Tennessee and Kentucky. “It was the seventh major tornado that has raked Dixie from East Texas to South Carolina since the middle of March.”
“GLASGOW, KY., May 19–(AP) —A tornado swept down the Kentucky -Tennessee Cumberland Valley last midnight, left a death toll of 64 and increased the South’s spring storm fatalities to more than 250. Kentucky reported 32 killed In Monroe, Adair and Russell counties, and Tennessee counted 32 dead in Overton county and two in Wilson county. It was the seventh major tornado that has raked Dixie from East Texas to South Carolina since the middle of March. Kentucky’s death toll in last night’s tornado reached 32 tonight when last reports from Russell County revealed the fatality list there was 14. Sixteen were killed in Monroe County and two in Adair County. First reports from relief workers in Russell County after communications were restored late today said twenty bodies had been found.”