Kamala Planning Another Half Trillion Dollars For Ukraine

“Provide an additional $570 billion in Foreign Military Financing to ensure Ukraine has the tools to defend itself.”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Kamala Planning Another Half Trillion Dollars For Ukraine

  1. GW says:

    It’s Money Laundering, plain and simple. I wish someone could track exactly where these dollars end up and to highlight the route to financially aid all of the politicians.
    My friends father, who was a NYC policeman beginning in 1962, told us how once, Every Month, there was a manila envelope in his locker. It was a “don’t ask, don’t tell” “benefit” that Everyone ‘on the job’ got. The dollar amounts varied a bit, but it was there every month up until the time of the Knapp Commission which followed the Serpico revelations. He was a good boy and never asked any questions. This had been going on for decades; everyone was “on the take” and everyone got a cut to ensure no one would complain and possibly report it. Until Serpico.
    The US government has devolved into this same level of finely tuned institutionalized corruption.

    • arn says:

      You can’t track it down.

      Rumsfeld said 23 years ago that they are not able to track down a lousy 1.7 trillion iirc,
      and by some coincidence the next day the room with the data got hit by a plane.And nobody ever bothered since then.

      And since FTX they went massively into crypto
      so tracking down has become way harder.

      In terms of Ukraine :
      One reason they got so steamrolled in recent months by Russia is that many fortified positions only exist on paper.

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    The little psychopathic Marxist pig probably wets herself at the thought of how much kickback she gets from killing Slavic kids.

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