“Antarctica has turned green”

0.00008% of Antarctica has turned green.

“Antarctica has turned green due to global warming: the vegetation cover has increased more than 10 times.

A team of scientists analyzed satellite images of the peninsula over the past 40 years to find out how much of the territory has turned green as a result of warming. The analysis of Landsat archives (1986-2021) was conducted using the Google Earth Engine cloud processing workflow, NatureGeoscience writes.”

“Back in 1986, the images show that only one square kilometer of the peninsula was covered with vegetation. However, by 2021, this area had grown to almost 12 square kilometers.”

This is what Google Earth imagery shows since 1985

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to “Antarctica has turned green”

  1. Bob G says:

    it won’t be long till an Artie’s Antarctic sod farm will be opening there…. but no chance of Ted’s tree farm opening in Northern Canada where trees used to grow only 6,000 years ago

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    My guess is that it has happened many times before they started noticing it.

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