Wisconsin state representative Francesca Hong will reduce electricity costs by switching from low cost reliable sources to unreliable expensive ones. And save the planet in the process.
“There is an overwhelming consensus among climate scientists that the best chance to avert runaway climate change is to cut carbon emissions in half by 2030.
We have to save our beautiful planet. This legislation will both limit climate change and will reduce the crushing cost of electricity and heat for local residents here in Wisconsin.”
Heartland needs to make a nice little brochure that shows atmospheric CO2 and temperature vs time over the last 500 million year, and explain in 5th grader language that Earth has had higher CO2 and temperatures for most of the time that life has been on Earth and that currently we are in a cold temperature anomaly where the CO2 is dangerously low and if it were very much lower, all life would be threatened. Then every time one of these meat heads makes a claim like this, they are sent the brochure. Maybe distribute it to the general population with the instruction to all send it to one of these ninnies when they say something stupid like this.
There is an increasingly overwhelming improbability that the claim that cutting co2 emissions in half by (agenda)2030 will stop the greenhouse runaway effect.And the impropability increases with every year.
The Paris accords are from 2016.
So far the global co2 emissions have been cut by 0% instead of 30%+
while 2/3 of the remaining time has passed.
Even if we assume that this claim was true in 2016
it can no longer be,as the volume of additional atmospherical co2 will be higher
by 2030,than when it was calculated in 2016 with a gradual reduction in mind.
It’s the same as with a braking distance.
If you are supposed to stop in front of a wall by decelerating your car 160m in front of the wall,you won’t succeed when the decelerating starts 60 meters.
The crash can not be avoided.
The runaway effect can no longer be stopped for the same reason.
Even if we cut emissions by 50% now,there would be too much co2 in the atmosphere,Mrs Hong.
And how much does it help to cut co2 output by 50% in Wisconsin whilst China is building 200+ new coal plants?
Btw – there is absolutely no plan that can reduce energy output by 50% in 5 years that is VIABLE.
At least not as long as the word viable does not mean destructive.
And what about culturally appropriating italian names francesca?
You look 100% Hong and 0% Italian.
Or is cultural appropriation only a crime/thing when whites do it?
Just asking for a friend.