Rapid Virus Mutation

During the first few months of 2020, COVID-19 mutated with remarkable speed.

“Houses of worship told to ‘discontinue singing’ under order from Newsom as pandemic worsens”

Houses of worship told to ‘discontinue singing’ under order from Newsom as pandemic worsens

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Rapid Virus Mutation

  1. Bob G says:

    one of my favorite radio/podcasters, since the passing of the great Rush Limbaugh, is Cincinnati’s finest Bill Cunningham. he’s on the radio every Sunday night nationally from 9:00 p.m. central to midnight. tonight he had some expert, I forgot his name, who said that the evidence shows that so-called long covid, there was no such thing and people that suffered from symptoms of so-called long covid were actually people that got the (experimental) vaccination. yes…experimental vaccination! maybe I’m just an ignorant dumb cuss, since many of my highly educated… we will call them left wing government college educated acquaintances, relatives and Friends, insisted that I get a vaccination… an experimental vaccination for something that only kills people who are our…. let me say this nicely ….have one foot in the grave at age 83. no thanks. changing subjects Gavin newsom is a total scumbag… roughly the same kind of scumbag that Al Gore is. don’t underestimate Gavin newsom because he’s a multi-millionaire, he has something like 2,000 employees in the winery business… he got some Getty money… a loan? a grant I don’t know but he’s no dummy. Gavin debated Sean hannity and he trashed Sean hannity. surprisingly after that poor performance by Sean hannity the debate between Gavin newsom and DeSantis was a surprise win…DeSantis cleaned his clock. I’m now 66 and not afraid of the covid virus. what I’m afraid of and what has completely destroyed my finances is the increase of homeowners insurance. 4 years ago it was 1200 bucks a year. now it’s 5,000. my house is for sale. I admit I survived Obama but Biden’s economy destroyed me. no wildfires in Minnesota, yet my homeowners insurance is up 400%.. I never never NEVER saw this coming.

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