Miami Drowning

Grok says Miami is drowning.

It has gotten so bad, you can pick up a home there at the fire sale price of $120 million.

Vladislav Doronin sells Miami Beach Star Island home for record – South Florida Business Journal

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Miami Drowning

  1. Bob G says:

    I have a solution to the possible future drowning of Miami and I’m surprised that Gavin Newscum and the rest of the Crazycrats hadn’t thought of it. it’s a public works project that every burrowrat would be proud to get behind. let’s call it the Great pipeline. California has a chance to save the world from drowning. the pipeline will travel from the Pacific Ocean to the Salton Sea and also death valley and pump pump pump to your heart’s content. California has over 4,000 square miles below sea level, so let’s fill that with ocean water to save the world. :-). never mind the cost, that’s the taxpayers problem. lol

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