Climate change is shifting hurricane tracks to the north. Climate change is also shifting hurricane tracks to the south.
“Hurricanes are shifting south. Here’s why that’s a serious problem”
Hurricanes are Changing: Preparedness Strategies Needed
“Yes, climate change is likely causing a northward shift in hurricane tracks, particularly in the North Atlantic, with the potential for more intense storms to reach regions previously less exposed to them. “
Maybe they just gyrate around back and forth randomly, and occasionally a fool falls for the odd run of heads (or tails) that may occur in any long series of coin flipping. It’s called random walk.
One should expect that something very weak but much stronger than co2 in terms of directional impact,like the magnetic field and its shifting poles should be the main suspect for that.
But as always – any natural fluctuation is being used used to prove AGW.
And any change is always bad.
Even the absense of destruction.
” The US coast is in an UNPRECEDENT hurricane drought – and why this is TERRIFYING”
wapo Aug. 4th
But it was not mentioned wether those non-existent hurricanes went further north or south or as usual west.
This drought ended almost instantly as result of a blowback by the power of a headline
“Why the mayor hurricane drought(and not AGW) is the most overblown statistic in meteorology”
(author is a michael mann lookalike)
Oct 24th 2016,WaPo
And was completely buried a bit later(by accomplished storm expert Michael Mann)
“The science behinde US’s strange hurricane drought – and its sudden end”
sept. 9th 2017
Wahington Post – democracy dies in Davos
Another serious problem.
At least for those who got the shot.
Ever wondered why the group that was supposed to get the most help suffered the most?
As if it is intentional and systematic and going on for decades
Wonder how much the vaccine numbers would have went down if they showed this video on MSM from 2020 on
“ is intentional and systematic and going on for decades.” Correct. “Ever wondered why the group that was supposed to get the most help suffered the most?”. Nope. However people should wonder why some hospitals now have PEDIATRIC stroke units. Because, you know, “Kids have strokes too!” Since when? Around about 2021. It’s not just “vaccines”, all pharma products are toxins. In the test run (same script: “new” virus, ramp up the “skeer”, pharma and “science” to the rescue) for COVID, HIV/AIDS, we had azidothymidine (AZT) which was demanded by those most affected, extremely promiscuous drug-abusing homosexual males. Their chant (demand) was “Drugs into bodies!” It never occurred to them that drugs into bodies, especially nitrite inhalants, was the reason they were sick in the first place. So they demanded that pharma save them from their own excesses and pharma and the FDA and Fauci were happy to help out by fast-tracking a DNA chain terminator that was once described as “incompatible with life” and rebranding it as “life-saving”. And thereafter (1987) 94 percent of deaths from “AIDS” occurred. Because HIV which, like COVID, doesn’t exist. Luc Montagnier allegedly “discovered” it (he never made that claim) in 1983 for which they gave him the Nobel..25 years later!! It was hush money because he was starting to hold forth about The Vaccine – “The damage is done and can’t be undone. There is nothing to do now but bury the bodies.” And very shortly after that he checked out. Just a coincidence. And average US life expectancy has declined by three years since 2019. Another coincidence.
I can’t say much about the (non)existence of viruses
but keep in mind that it should be hard to fake an existence,as, contrary to climate,
there are specific DNA/RNA sequences that must exist and not only numbers that may originate from comprised machines and codes,
and if something else is sold as this virus the proxy should be known.(and there are also several different strains)
My take on this was/is that the Aids virus was never a problem in Africa until they got “help” from the usual suspects and the IMF/USA/BiS etc,etc help resulted in another Ukraine/Iraq /Lybia etc etc scenario,
which lead me to believe it is an enhanced/gof version optimized into a bioweapon (I have some serious problems to believe that humans got it from Gorillas or Chimpanzees considering how much stronger than humans they are ).
Considering life expectancy.
Iirc it started to went down in your country since 2012.
Just like everything else in your country under Obama which is quite interesting as Obamacare (the typical orwellian selling point)should have the exact opposite results .
A holistic warfare with attack on all domains including and especially with children.
“Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. Here I am stuck in the middle with you.” I guess we could change the lyrics of the Stealers Wheel song to, “Clowns to the north of me, jokers to the south…”
Down in Australia we have just had a cyclone move across Queensland’s capital city of Brisbane which is located in the south-east corner of the State. It’s a fairly rare event for cyclones to strike this far south but not unprecedented. The last struck this region 50 years ago ironically during the ice age scare.
The recent cyclone had travelled 1,000’s of kilometres starting way north in the Coral Sea with modelling showing it would turn and track west to land fall which it did. The media here were in a frenzy of anticipation waiting for the big event hoping for maximum devastation across a city of 2 million people. It was very slow moving and they had to wait and wait and wait. Schools and businesses closed, councils stopped doing their job of collecting waste, major sporting events were cancelled because of the fear porn. This was for days in perfectly fine weather when it was completely safe to be out and about.
Our Prime Minister, Anthony Albonese (nicknamed ALBO) arrived days early in Brisbane to be at ground zero for maximum media attention. Normally Prime Ministers turn up after disasters to offer comfort and support and leave the planning to the State Premiers and officials. Not our ALBO, he was on the news 24/7 for days before landfall. Nothing at all of course to do with the fact he faces a federal election in a few months. The cyclone was supposed to be called “Anthony”, but this had been changed earlier on to “Alfred” by our bureau of meteorology (the BOM) so as not to cause any embarrassment to ALBO.
Anyway, the big day finally arrived, and even before crossing the coast just north of Brisbane it was downgraded to an ex tropical cyclone low. A lot of rain was dumped, a few places lost roofs, and a few trees fell over, but by and large the event was a complete fizzer. Flooding was significant in places but nowhere near as severe as other recent floods caused by normal non cyclonic weather.
Of course all the lunatics of the Left, the Greens, and ALBO were blaming climate change as this link carries on the story.