“After years of being held captive by Environmental Extremists, Lunatics, Radicals, and Thugs, allowing other Countries, in particular China, to gain tremendous Economic advantage over us by opening up hundreds of all Coal Fire Power Plants, I am authorizing my Administration to immediately begin producing Energy with BEAUTIFUL, CLEAN COAL.”
Donald Trump
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- Francis Barnett on “BEAUTIFUL, CLEAN COAL”
- Francis Barnett on Federal Judge Orders Astronauts Be Returned To Space Station
- Tel on Tough Week For Science Criminals
- arn on In This House We Believe In Science
- gordon vigurs on “BEAUTIFUL, CLEAN COAL”
- gordon vigurs on In This House We Believe In Science
- arn on Colorado Local Hero
- gordon vigurs on Colorado Local Hero
- gordon vigurs on Colorado Local Hero
North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming are awash in coal… it’s cheap energy but probably not as clean as nuclear but that was discredited decades ago because of a movie starring Jack Lemmon and Hanoi Jane Fonda. I don’t know about you but I get all my financial and scientific advice from movie stars… how about you? lol
But,but … you can not get to China with a coal power plant.
And my best movie advice I ever got is:
The Russians are coming,The Russians are coming.
and its sequels:Red Dawn and Invasion USA.
So real,so true – but Zelensky churchilling keeps us all safe for now.
We need at least 500 ppm of CO2 to see the deserts become green again, as they once were. The more fossil fuel we burn, the better. Let us hope the 21st Century’s Piltdown Man hoax has finally been put to rest.
I’m not sure I would want to live prevailing winds downwind of a coal fired power station, unless modern coal burning tech can improve the emissions of the old tech stations.