Obama Was Against Regime Change Before He Was For Regime Change





About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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39 Responses to Obama Was Against Regime Change Before He Was For Regime Change

  1. HopeyChangey says:

    It’s hard to say who is uglier: Qaddafi or Pachauri.

    Drudge has a nice story on the new Palin Doctrine: http://www.nysun.com/opinion/palin-doctrine-emerges-as-arab-league-echoes-her/87263/

    This story says she was the first to call for a no-fly zone.

  2. suyts says:

    Waffling, indecisive, ball-less…………… this nation, the U.S. of A., is being lead by the consensus will of Europe and the Mid-East.

    Why don’t the Joint Chiefs just call the EU and the UN to ask for orders? Might as well change the inductees oath.

  3. bubbagyro says:

    Let’s be careful what we wish for.

    I think that there is a greater chance of gradual, secular democratic reform with Qaddafy Duck’s son remaining in power, than wondering who will fill the power vacuum, and what government will result. Better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t know…

    Will yet another Imamocracy (Ummocracy?) in Libya happen when Qaddafi is deposed, with Christian and secular parties quickly vanishing? Do we not remember Iran’s or Palestine’s “revolution”? I don’t think the USA or Europe has a good track record of backing the right side.

    • suyts says:

      No doubt, but, for me, this isn’t a question of whether we should or shouldn’t. It is a question of how we went about reaching the decision. Perhaps it is my unique perspective of being a son of a lifer and having been a soldier myself. We went where we were sent. But our oath was to the Constitution, the Commander-in-Chief, and broadly to the people of this nation, (the U.S.). I take great umbrage and have absolute outrage at the fact that our leader wouldn’t act with the U.S.’ interests first. Obama is acting from the will of the international community. To go or not to go is the decision of our nation’s leaders. I don’t give a damn about what the French or the British or any Arabs have to think about involving U.S. lives and the U.S. taking other peoples lives. Screw them.

      I haven’t forgotten the French not allowing us to cross their airspace when Reagan shoved some missiles up that dipsticks arse. Now we’re going to listen to that group of idiots. The fact that they’re for it would cause me to lean the other way. And, it doesn’t escape me that those two nations wouldn’t go unless we were on board. Screw them again.


      My little rant for the day………..

      • Maybe Americans should pay more attention to who they vote for.

      • suyts says:

        Yes, they should, and the ones that haven’t bothered to inform themselves of the issues should exercise their civic duty and refrain from voting.

        It was disgusting to hear the reasons why people picked the candidates last election. None was worst than the democratic primary. People cast their ballots for no other reason than the gender or race of the candidate. The same people that rail against racism and sexism. They actively participated in the same. Much like a buffoon that wrote an article that Anthony re-posted. And this day started off with an article about Einstein that got my knickers in a wad.

        I’m off to do something mindless for a bit in an effort to regain my faith in humanity.

      • Watch the Dennis Miller stand up linked to my name. Or how about some Brian Regan:


      • suyts says:

        I remember a multi-lateral “no-fly” zone being enforced in a different country back in the 90s. We’re still waiting for the final outcome, but I can state that is was ineffectual and directly led to us being engaged in a protracted conflict.

        Thank goodness Obama finally got us out of the Iraqi conflict………oh, wait………

        AAM, thanks for the Dennis Miller!!! Was a hoot! Couldn’t listen to Dylan though…..Sony wouldn’t let me…… 🙁

      • bubbagyro says:

        I hear you and agree.

      • AndyW says:

        The USA is a member of NATO so it’s not just about US interests being the only thing that matters.


      • suyts says:

        U.S. interests and U.S. interests alone should be the only cause for the U.S. military to take life and give their own.

      • “The USA is a member of NATO so it’s not just about US interests being the only thing that matters.”

        It is the only thing that matters to the USA. I don’t think Ben Franklin and George Washington were looking out for Europe. Europe can do that for itself.

  4. M White says:

    One too many face lifts if you ask me

  5. Latitude says:

    I don’t get the no fly zone….

    They have 11 runways…
    ….drop a tomahawk in the middle of each one

    poof, instant no fly zone, it only takes 11 tomahawks, and everyone can go home

    and what’s the story with the French bragging because they blew up a tank?

    • suyts says:

      “what’s the story with the French bragging because they blew up a tank?”

      It’s the first military engagement in quite sometime in which they didn’t surrender.

      • Latitude says:

        The French was accusing us of going after their oil before…

        ….now it’s the French protecting their own oil

        Of course it didn’t matter that the French were selling them weapons and nuclear plans…..not at all

    • I don’t get the no fly zone either. But for different reasons. A few countries have decided that they know what’s best for Libya (likely they’ve decided what’s best for themselves in Libya) and now are hindering one side of the battle. And the support for it is strange to me since no one can tell me who exactly it is America, and others, have decided to help.

      But it will all work out great, right? Radical Muslims that are Jonesin’ to cut peoples heads off won’t get in control there.

  6. People voted for ‘Hope and Change’. But as far as wars go Obama is the same as Bush, and likely more of what they might call a war monger than Bush. I am wondering what those voters are thinking about him at the moment?

  7. Paul H says:

    The Daily Mail has summed Oblimey up quite nicely.

    Ronald Reagan was famously known as The Great Communicator but paralysis over Libya has landed Barack Obama with the title The Great Vacillator


  8. Paul H says:

    I don’t have too many worries about Muslim crazies as I think Amino called them. Most North Africans are fairly practical types when it comes to politics, culture and indeed religion.

    In Morocco for instance I can vouch from personal experience that they are very tolerant of “western” practices. They don’t have a problem with alcohol and don’t insist on women ( theirs or ours) covering themselves up from head to foot. Although like any country of course you have to respect their customs. This applies not just to the tourist resorts but even to the rural areas.

    On 3 days walking up in the Atlas my guide spent most of the time talking about football ( he was a Chelsea supporter!)

    This does not mean they are not strongly religious but they do not show the same sort of fundamentalism exhibited in places like Arabia and Iran. I believe you can trace back this sort of attitude for many centuries as the North Africans have been heavily influenced by European culture. Remember that the Moors left their influence on Spain in the same way.

    • Paul H says:

      I would be a lot more worried about the Shiite rebels in Bahrain.

    • I didn’t mean all Muslims. I meant the segment that beats women with rods, gouges out eyes, beheads people, etc. I should have been more specific. My comment could have been seen as meaning all Muslims are crazy.

      • Paul H says:

        I know Amino. The crazies you refer to tend to be in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

        I think we have to trust the Libyans and Egyptians to find their own solutions.

        I was encouraged tonite to see the scenes in Cairo of the crowds celebrating the results of their referendum which opposed the army’s attempts to delay elections. So many in the crowds seemed to be just normal people wanting the same sort of things most people in other countries want.

  9. BudL says:

    Where are all the liberal/progressives and democrat congressmen,calling for Obama to be either impeached or tried for war crimes?

    • Latitude says:

      They worn themselves out during the Bush years…………

      It’s amazing to me too though.

      • suyts says:

        lol, See?……. It’s still Bush’s fault!…….lol

        It’s strange, I don’t remember this action being rigorously debated in congress. Surely it was.

      • “I don’t remember this action being rigorously debated in congress. Surely it was.”

        Neither was what was done in Kosovo when Clinton was president. Democrats act unilaterally when they are president. Republicans not only have to go through Congress first, even after they do they are still accused of acting unilaterally. They also have to go through the media ringer. “Bush lied, people died”, “Reagan is a warmonger” are also things they get. Obama will never hear a thing like it. One reason Republicans have to go through all of this is because they have no spine and do nothing to defend themselves from it.

        Something Dick Morris said, I remember him saying it, that if Clinton ever found his approval number go below 30% he’d start a war to make them go back up. By this time Dick Morris and resinged as Clinton’s advisor because he was so disgusted with the Lewinsky thing. A president’s approval numbers always go up in time of war. Clinton’s approval finally fell below 30% after all the fallout from the Lewinsky/blue dress/impeachment stuff. The day after it was reported his approval fell below 30% the Kosovo war started—unilaterally by decision of the President.

      • I just remember what the final straw was that put Clinton under 30%. It was Barbara Walters’ interview of Monica Lewinsky. The interview was on March 3, 1999. The bombing of Kosovo started on March 22, 1999.

      • bubbagyro says:


        No, I disagree about Republicans having no balls. They go through Congress first because they revere the Constitution and the oath they took to abide by it. The Democrats disregard the Constitution, saying that it is outdated, and that it should say what they want it to say at the moment. Democrats got is into Vietnam, Kosovo, Libya, Pakistan (yes we today use drones there —Pakistanis just love us for that), lob Missiles into Somalia, all without Congressional approval.

      • I was meaning that they sit back and let the media call them war mongers that act unilaterally when all along it’s the Democrat presidents that are quick to go to war and do it unilaterally.

  10. Andy Weiss says:

    In Iran, we got rid of a prick, but ended up with a much worse Islamic Fundamenalist prick. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen in Libya and all these other places.

    Republicans=the rich, the militarists and religious fanatics
    Democrats=the self-proclaimed victims and losers of the world looking for recognition, handouts and and a free ride.

    Those two groups do not represent most Americans. We desperately need a third party.

    • Martin C says:

      It’s called the TEA PARTY. It needs a different name ( . .though I don’t have anything to suggest), but I am sure considering changing from Republican to it . Sure would love to see a third or more of the population do that.

  11. Latitude says:

    and now the news is parading out all those old tired politicians…

    …the ones that were for the war before they were against it

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