Haley Barbour Models His Campaign After John McCain


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Haley Barbour Models His Campaign After John McCain

  1. Chris F says:

    That’ll kill any chances he might have had for the Republican nomination.
    Good to get that info out there so he can be crossed off the list.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Another intellectual giant.

  3. suyts says:

    lol, Love the pic of Nero. Or is that suppose to be a young Caligula?

    Pawlenty? Damn someone has to step up!…………. That’s has half of a functioning brain.

    • Tourist in Chief says:

      It’s remarkable how little political awareness there is …..among politicians. Particularly on the Right. The uber wealthy of the world will pull out all stops to place a warmer in the lead for the GOP nomination. I think that is precisely why we got McCain last time.

      Beware Huntsman, and Pawlenty and Gingrich have both endorsed CAGW ideas in the past, tho I believe many in the GOP are now (somewhat) aware of the scam . Palin is an: “all of the above” candidate – meaning she favors development of all sources according to their viability. I love Michelle Bachman, but she seems timid about taking down the biofuels scam. Same with Mitch Daniels.

      On energy and Immigration at least, McClintock from Orange County is a star. But he isn’t running for President.

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