Wind To Power Your Car And Make You Rich

The film’s major selling point is cost-effective renewable energy. Coal, which produces the most carbon emissions of any energy source, is heavily relied upon by the energy industry because it is cheap in contrast with the work and expense that go into harnessing wind and solar energies.

But these natural energy sources, the film explains, have the potential to be so profitable in the long run that the upfront expenses could become negligible over time. The people and companies that forge ahead and invest in the green industry have much to gain, the film claimed, and consumers of these alternative energies could also pay less to heat their homes and power their vehicles in the long term

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Wind To Power Your Car And Make You Rich

  1. Mike Davis says:

    No facts required for films any more. Just make shit up and call it a documentary. Just like Brother Al!

  2. Deadman says:

    “But these natural energy sources, the film explains, have the potential to be so profitable in the long run that the upfront expenses could become negligible over time.”

    Excellent; that means banks and other investors will swiftly see the wisdom of making substantial investments in those companies which will develop the new technologies, without asking taxpayers to subsidise them. Everybody wins!

  3. Latitude says:

    Obama, “under my plan, energy prices will necessarily rise”.

  4. Justa Joe says:

    Is this film as big a POS as it sounds like?

    The next job Van Jones creates, which isn’t some kind of federally subsidized internship, will be his first.

  5. Traitor in Chief says:

    In the opening scene, a purple unicorn appears, ridden by a jackalope, who then narrates the film.

  6. PhilJourdan says:

    Yes, Film makers know all! Go to Mikey Moron for brain surgery, Cameron for home security, Soros for an ethics class!

    And don’t forget go to Gore to get rich! (oh wait, that last one is probably accurate – as long as you do not mind lying, cheating and stealing).

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