Reagan Stopped The Biggest Environmental Disaster In History

When Carter was President, he declared the “Moral Equivalent of War” MEOW against OPEC, and started throwing massive resources into developing oil shale on the western slope. I was working for him on that project.

Everyone working on it knew that Carter’s plan was going to be an unprecedented environmental catastrophe. The technology at the time would have literally destroyed the western slope of Colorado.

I lost my job within days of Reagan taking office. Shutting that madness down was the second thing he did as President. The first thing was getting the Iranian hostages back.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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29 Responses to Reagan Stopped The Biggest Environmental Disaster In History

  1. PhilJourdan says:

    “Best Intentions” are the single most destructive force of man. It is being demonstrated now by the AGW crowd. And as you point out, by incompetents of the past.

  2. slimething says:

    What is your view on oil shale now?

    • I don’t know. They claim the technology is less destructive now, but I am not convinced.

      Personally, I’d rather see everyone riding bicycles!

      • DEEBEE says:

        Et tu Steve!

      • PhilJourdan says:

        Being an eonvironmentalist is not in conflict with perferring good science or sound government. It is only the Goebels wing of the DNC (the MSM) that try to deny that responsible citizens can disagree with them on issues.

      • Jimash says:

        I knew you rode a bike.
        No one should be against being responsible.
        I recycle Paper cardboard glass plastic and batteries.
        While my family owns 3 cars now, 2 are hybrids ( 50+mpg on the Insight) and the third is just acute lil’ Civic.
        I carefully preserve the water in my swimmy pool.
        I burn wood, but it is waste wood from cut down trees that I get from a tree cutting service. Not designer wood.
        My big problem is electricity. My personal and business activities require lots of electricity.
        Solar panels are in our future.
        Pollution is bad. I am yet to be convinced that CO2 is a pollutant rather than an atmosphere enrichment.

      • pwl says:

        No thanks. Too dangerous to share the road with cars and trucks; a cycle advocate friend of mine made a bad turn not noticing the truck and she ended up dead under it a few moments later all mangled. She was only two blocks from home. It was her mistake.

        It’s also too wet in Vancouver, not practical.

      • pwl says:

        Yeah, well “everyone on bikes” is a pipe dream… you’re not going to get big truck cargo being pulled by bicycles around town or across the country. Some pipe dreams are best left that way… as they are just not practical… nor would everyone choose them even if they where… we’re not supposed to be a socialist collective… oh right…

      • pwl says:

        I prefer the car with a mr. fusion pipe dream… time travel as an optional extra.

  3. Sundance says:

    This socialists paper is suggesting that worsening tornadoes are the result of capitalism and that Cuba is good and the USA is bad. Watch out WAPO, it looks like you have competition. lol

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    If you really want to do the environment a favor, don’t reproduce too much.

    • Jimash says:

      Bought into that one too.
      But considering that my one child is in the top 9/10ths of 1%
      of academic achievement nationwide, probably should have gone for two.
      Just to stave off the Idiocracy, LOL.

      • shempus says:

        could be too late already. alot of us probably shoulda had more, and alot of others – far fewer. oh well.

  5. omnologos says:

    Hey Pinko 🙂 what was the name of that project?

  6. shempus says:

    Kudos on the bike thing. I ride a fair amount, though more for the selfish pursuit of my won fitness than for enviro reasons. They’re just a bonus. Steve, what’s your take on the abiotic oil thing?

  7. Andy Weiss says:


    You make a good case for eugenics. You are hereby granted permission to have as many kids as you want.

    • Jimash says:

      The wife is too “mature ” and she won’t let me screw around .
      It’s up to you Andy. Make some smart babies. We need ’em.

  8. Deadman says:

    “The first thing [accomplished by Pres. Reagan] was getting the Iranian hostages back.”
    I’m no apologist for Pres. Carter, but weren’t the hostages released moments after the inauguration of Pres. Reagan (and, therefore, hardly attributable to his administration) following lengthy negotiations by Carter’s team? Didn’t the Iranians deliberately wait until just after Carter’s presidency was over in order to humiliate him one last time?

    • That was after months of negotiations.(remember Oliver North?)

      • Deadman says:

        Yes, I remember Col. North; but that was in relation to the Lebanese kidnappings (backed by Iran) of Americans in 1985-86, whereas the Iranian hostages were released on 20 January, 1981.

      • Jimash says:

        Oliver North was involved with trying to get the Iranians to order the release of hostages held in Beirut somewhat later.
        There are allegations that Reagan’s team ( Baker etc.) arranged the 1981 release, I don’t know that I believe it though.
        Definitely the Iranians wanted to mess with Carter, and they may have been wary of Reagan.

      • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

        Supposedly Carter transfered $7.9billion just hours before Reagan was inaugurated (there’s a specific time, at 4:31 am that morning, they say) to get them released. In the Shaw of Iran’s last interview he said a lot of money was involved. So maybe that is true.

        55 minute interview by David Frost of Shaw of Iran:

  9. Jimash says:

    “On Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, 1981, Iran agreed to accept $8 billion in frozen assets and a promise by the United States to lift trade sanctions in exchange for the release of the hostages. ”

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