US Temperatures Dropping At A Rate Of Almost 10 Degrees Per Century Since 1998

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to US Temperatures Dropping At A Rate Of Almost 10 Degrees Per Century Since 1998

  1. Mike Davis says:

    Just think how bad it could be with the value added enhancements to the data!

  2. huishi says:

    Hey Steve, do another post on how long it has been since a hurricane hit the USA. I live in Florida and the news people are acting like the end of the world is coming due to a little storm in the Atlantic.

  3. Blade says:

    “US Temperatures Dropping At A Rate Of Almost 10 Degrees Per Century Since 1998”

    Just reading that makes me cold.

  4. Tem says:

    Guess now would be a good time for you Americans to invest in a company that specialises in winter clothing.

  5. rw says:

    On a related note:- you can add west Africa to the areas of the earth that are experiencing a decline in temperature for this time of the year.

  6. Given enough time and taxpayer money, I am sure Dr. James “Thumbs On The Temperature Scale” Hansen and his mighty band of ‘data homogenizers’ can get this curve to have a positive slope, if they close down a few more cooling stations, throw out pre-1900 cooling data (ie: Orland CA), expanded the deletion of cooling data sets like the Danish Meteorological Data Set of the North Pole, etc.

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