Irene Surface Winds Much Lower Than At Altitude

There have not been any recent SFMR data…but based on the earlier sharp discrepancy between the flight-level and surface winds…the initial intensity is reduced to 70 kt. A slow weakening is expected as Irene moves along the coast of the mid-Atlantic states due to land interaction…colder waters…dry air entrainment…and increasing southwesterly shear. Because the large wind field will take time to spin down…however…Irene is still expected to reach the New York area at or near hurricane strength.

More so than with most storms…the winds with Irene increase sharply with height above the surface. As Irene moves through areas with high-rise structures…these structures will experience winds significantly stronger than indicated by the advisory intensity. Winds at the 30-story level will likely be 20 percent higher than at the surface…and winds 80-100 stories up could be about 30 percent higher than at the surface.

h/t to David

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Irene Surface Winds Much Lower Than At Altitude

  1. Latitude says:

    “sharp discrepancy ”


    Almost 50% less where people are…….

    The “hurricane” winds were at flight level….

    …..I guess friction is another alien concept for them

  2. nofreewind says:

    Sorry to be off topic here Steve, but I just thought you might like to know that their are some very nice people out there who work for little or nothing to keep our air clean. Here is a list of 235 of them in Cali. Probably just the tip of the iceberg of caring and “smart too” people out there who are making this a better world. I guess you get what you pay for!

  3. Mark ro says:

    @ nofreewind says: Seems to be a bad link. Growing up in Cali. in the early seventies, being herded indoors every day due to carbon monoxide warnings ( to air conditioned/ filtered air ) about 9:00am every day sucked. In the meantime, we frequented Mt. Shasta to go sledding. In July. Remember, scientists said ” Coming Ice Age “. I’m totally down with removing pollutants, losing my livelihood to a molecule, not so much.

    • Mark ro says:

      @ nofreewind says
      In other words ” carbon dioxide is your friend “. You and the plants you ingest with merciless abandon.

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