More Data Corruption From GISS

Hansen completely rewrote US temperature history in the year 2000 to hide the decline since the 1930s – but it didn’t stop there. He is continuing to corrupt the temperature record further. The blink comparator below shows how he has dramatically cooled 19th century temperatures, since his graph of September 14, 2005.

Fig.D.gif (513×438)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to More Data Corruption From GISS

  1. Jean-Paul says:

    Incredible. How does it come that no one except you sees it, and says something about it? Are we living in 1984, and is Hansen becoming the ministry of truth’s head?

    • DirkH says:

      Nasa’s main mission is muslim outreach. By corrupting western science, he can make muslims feel better about their own scientific accomplishments.

  2. pwl says:

    Ah oops, both links go to the same wayback page.

  3. Andy DC says:

    He who controls the data controls the world.

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