Neanderthal Mammoth Herding Caused The Arctic To Be Ice Free

“Examination of several proxy records (e.g., sediment cores) of sea ice indicate ice-free or near ice-free summer conditions for at least some time during the period of 15,000 to 5,000 years ago”

– Walt Meier NSIDC

There are no known natural mechanisms which could cause the Arctic to be ice free, so it had to be your fault.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Neanderthal Mammoth Herding Caused The Arctic To Be Ice Free

  1. I looked at the paper in relation to that claim and it draws a long bow… I remain sceptical that proxies exist that can reliably measure variations in sea ice.

  2. ozspeaksup says:

    well..IF? oil is old squashed trees as they reckon,
    then sometime the arctic had to have been ice free to manage to produce the oil shells up there trying to get to through the ice..
    how come they dont find oil and coal in the same spots??

  3. Bruce says:

    Even a cave man could make the arctic ice-free

  4. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Warmist would have really just preferred that the ice ages never warmed, preventing us hairless primates from ever getting beyond, well, some tiny-brained hairy primate…

  5. Is he the new centre forward for Man U?

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