Rowing Through Hundreds Of Kilometres of 100% Concentration Ice

ScreenHunter_483 Jul. 01 06.51 – Arctic Terra – (2013/181)

The ice shows very little indication of melt, and is being packed up against the shore by persistent northwest winds.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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40 Responses to Rowing Through Hundreds Of Kilometres of 100% Concentration Ice

  1. Glacierman says:

    But, but, it’s an Arctic Slushy, rotted from excess CO2, so a row boat should go right through it.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    “If you zoom in you can see the water”. Crikey, people make silly statements about inanimate objects. The rowers have driven halfway to the take off point in their SUV’s. I’ll be interested how far they get, IF they get out into the Arctic Ocean. They might be victims of Premature Exploration.

  3. Steve, why aren’t you showing the ice conditions at the mouth of the McKenzie River, you are looking at conditions well east of where the rowers are going to be exiting the river. It is going to be at least 8 days before they hit the area in the pic.

    • Fred from Canuckistan says:

      Maybe because it makes little brains generate little questions.

      All for our amusement at your expense.

      Still counting down on your prediction.

    • miked1947 says:

      It might well be it is 8 days before they get to the river, if they get there at all.

    • Chewer says:

      Yesterday you said the 5 days:)

      • Waiting for good weather, it will be raining most of the week, so July 5th is the likely launch day. They are starting upstream at Inuvil, it will take a couple days to reach the Beaufort.
        Here is some trivia for you, with all the rainfall this spring, coupled with the snow melt this spring, the McKenzie river will be discharging roughly 15,000m3 of warm water per second.
        That much water is going to melt a lot of water.

        • Glacierman says:

          “That much water is going to melt a lot of water.”

          You are so funny.

        • correction:That much water is going to melt a lot of water.

        • squid2112 says:

          Nice correction … ROFLMAO … At least you are a consistent moron.

        • Glacierman says:

          Reggie, you exceed all other Trolls to date.

        • Glacierman says:

          That much air is going to really blow a lot of air, huh Reggie?

        • Chewer says:

          As it always does!
          The glacial fed rivers in Alaska are still ripping along and normally have settled down by now, but that is mother nature at work with an extremely late breakup due to a very cold winter and spring…
          The large inland lakes still have lots of ice just like Great Bear.
          The salmon runs are 30 days behind for the same reason…

      • Chewer:
        The pic is of ice that is many day’s row from their starting point at Inuvik.

    • Squid:
      you got me!

      Correction: That much water is going to melt a lot of ice

      I must have water on my brain…lol I shouldn’t be typing and chewing gum at the same time

      • squid2112 says:

        Yeah, I would suggest you stick to chewing gum.

        • Glacierman says:

          Duke Nukem always said – “I’m here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I’m all out of gum.”

          Reggie says: “I’m here to spew nonsense and chew bubble gum, …..”

  4. The forceast today has Inuvil reaching 77F, with offshore winds, , that is 9 degrees above normal. A lot of rain forecast for the net few days. Combined with all the warm water flowing out of the McKenzie and things look to be much different when they start the row. If they start on the 5th, it will take them at least two days to reach the mouth of the river.
    We will know by net Monday how it works out.

    • miked1947 says:

      If it is raining their route becomes almost impassible due to flooding and mud. It could take them until August to reach the river.

    • miked1947 says:

      If it is that “HOT” the permafrost will melt and they will also have to deal with sink holes that can swallow their entire vehicle and leave them stranded.

      • The rowers are going to be partying in Dawson City tonight and will be “kissing the toe”

        • miked1947 says:

          The entire purpose of the “Expedition” is to PARTY with OPM!

        • Chewer says:

          They should cancel their trip; don’t you agree?
          By August 9th they’ll either be bear snacks or come out of the high latitude whipped, beaten and feeling like complete losers…

        • I expect that whatever happens, they will not accurately describe the ice conditions they faced.

        • We shall see how honest they will be, and I am sure you call them out if they are less than completely truthful in their depiction of ice levels.
          Incidentally, one of the rowers is a highly acclaimed documentary producer up here in the great white north, I’m under the impression this row is going to have extensive video documentation.

        • Chewer says:

          Expressing thoughts like Reggie and fellow followers do, has set the rowing team up for total devastation. They are out of their realm and from experience, using 2.75″ slugs on a 10″ bear via a 12 gauge is the wrong answer. Years ago I hit a 8′ brown bear in its right shoulder from 15 yards, which knocked it down, but it immediately got up and ran off only to be killed two weeks later with a 444 Marlin.
          These guys should be packing 3.5″ slugs and deliver them with a 10 gauge!

        • Chewer:
          They aren’t hunting, they guns are to be used to frighten off bears.Before they resort to guns, they will use flares. The last thing they need is the bad publicity they would receive from killing a polar bear.

        • squid2112 says:

          HAhahahaha .. Ahahahahahha…

          Use flares … Ahahahahahah … For their sake, I surely hope they do not happen upon any polar bears. If they do, they’re toast! …. Flares …hahaha … spit coffee all over my monitor and keyboard with that one … thanks a lot!

      • squid2112 says:

        Oh, but the “HOT” permafrost will soon catch fire and ignite all of the frozen methane turning the Earth into a sister star. I hope these boat rowing dolts didn’t bring any cigars with them. I would hate to see this all go up in smoke prematurely.

        • miked1947 says:

          The “Blowtorch” will light the methane! Just as the rowers are driving through!

      • Hugh K says:

        “We shall see how honest they will be, and I am sure you call them out if they are less than completely truthful in their depiction of ice levels.”

        And do you find some fault with the truth?

        • miked1947 says:

          They have a choice to be either truthful or effective. As a group is paying their way their goal is to be effective! If history has shown us anything over the last few years they will attempt to be VERY effective. The best advertisement for disbelieving the CAGW scam there has been.

    • Andy DC says:

      One day 9 degrees above normal at one station is going to melt several million sq km of solid ice in a matter of a few weeks? On the face of it, that sounds delusional. Also, that small ridge supporting that localized heat is going to disintegrate over the next few days.

  5. Chewer says:

    When your pushing and pulling a 25′ vessel over ice and sending out large amounts of perspiration, the human blood sugar level emanating in the breeze becomes more than tempting for the largest beast in the north, and while your fully distracted heading for the next open water pool, bad things can happen!

  6. The rowers have arrived in Dawson City

    • As far as I can tell, they have done no rowing so far.

      Perhaps NWP shippers should consider using the McKenzie River as a shortcut to the Panama Canal?

      • Chewer says:

        Looks like a couple of days:

        “Where can we send donations and what day will the crew be departing the coast?

        “Thanks so much for the offer! We’re currently in Dawson City, YK and hope to be on the water in a couple days. All donations can be made to Paul Gleeson. We have set our expedition account under his name. Our operations manager will take care of any contributions. The address it can be sent to is:

        #403-2040 West 12th Ave,
        Vancouver, BC
        V6J 2G2

        Kevin Vallely
        3215 Duval Rd
        North Vancouver, BC
        V7J 3E3

    • Jim Hunt says:

      Now this is obviously pure speculation on my part, but I can’t help thinking that our intrepid heroes must have deliberately delayed their journey north in order to avoid succumbing to sunstroke brought on by sending out large amounts of perspiration whilst pushing and/or pulling their 25′ kevlar clad watercraft into the Mackenzie River:

      According to the Canadian Government temperatures in Inuvik reached 30.4°C yesterday (86.7 in old money). Apparently this is some sort of a record.

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