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- arn on Angry And Protesting
- Russell Cook on Angry And Protesting
- Allan Shelton on Causes Of Earthquakes
- Allan Shelton on Causes Of Earthquakes
This *extreme* weather in the Arctic is a clear manifestation of the effects of the climate disruption that results from the climate change caused the global warming that results from human CO2 emmissions
Oh no .. you just don’t understand … the Arctic is on fiiiiya .. it is on fiiiiiiya I tells ya … The rowing dipshits will have to make like speedboats to outrun the flames! …ROFLMAO
LOL! fiiiiya! fiiiiiiiiya!
Last year at this time we were already seeing melt ponds form on the ice:
This year as of this date, no such ponding:
You sure you got the correct north pole there patch? Reggie assures us there ain’t no ice!
Must be all that heat from the arctic being displaced over Death Valley. Or was that the other way around? I guess if you entertain yourself with global warming hysteria it’s both happening at the same time; you know, climate disruption (otherwise known as weather).
Not according to our ‘friends’ at GISS NASA.
What gives with these ‘adjustments’?
Ensuring safe retirement plans. Instead of looking to space NASA looks back to the Earth for a renewed sense of astronomical adventure. FOLLOW THE MONEY. TIMES ARE HARD. TO HELL WITH SPACE WE NEED CASH. The cause of global warming is budget tightening.
Change the reference period to current WMO standards (last complete 30 years), you get a different result.
Thanks Snafu
DMI use the period 1958-2002 for their means.
Here is GISS NASA for that period.
If was not because of that hot region in Russia we’d be colder than the 1981-2010 average. This means the “great warming” of the late XX century (80’s and 90’s) is basically gone already, and we’re not even half the way through solar cycle C24 that’s starting it’s descending phase now.
When our fearless rowers pee into the McKenzie River and all their superheated piss reaches the Arctic Ocean, it will become ice free overnight!
The COI-DMI temperatures from the last few months have shown a fairly close match to those from the same period in 2009. Not surprisingly, the sea ice extent (see is also tracking right along 2009’s line. So it looks like the hysterical predictors of an ice-free arctic will likely have a little frozen problem (6 million sq km or more) to explain after the melt season ends. That should be entertaining.
So let me get this straight;
it is very hot in death valley
it is very cold in the arctic
it is flooding in a place called high river
there were powerful tornadoes in tornado alley
what exactly is the problem?
Call me when the climate STOPS changing, because that would be a problem.
My own backyard weather is directly effected by arctic weather, without looking at any of the data, i know it is still cold up north. It is over 30 C in the day, but drops to 10 C at night or lower in my yard. My garden is very late due to late frost all June. I live on the southern edge of the arctic watershed. Summer is very late this year, as it is normally some years.
Pollution, waste, greed, contamination, and corruption of everything for power. This is our real “climate”, and it HAS changed, and it is human caused.