Climate experts tell us that sea level rise is caused by global warming, because they believe that ice can’t melt unless the temperature is increasing. (Quite alarming that they actually graduated from pre-school with critical thinking skills like that.)
Anyway, I plotted Manhattan sea level versus GISS global temperature anomaly for the period 1893 to 1910, to make this relationship clear.
Data and Station Information for NEW YORK ( THE BATTERY)
Yes – this is the actual data.
Sea level rise plot confirmed:
Jay Leno DREAMS of being as funny as you, Steve. Damn, dude!
Steve It’s disappointing that you’re not correlating global warming with melting traffic lights. That’s the way geniuses do it.
Damn it … gotta wipe down my monitor and clean my keyboard. Crap, I knew I shouldn’t have taken a drink of my coffee yet.
ROFLMFAO …. Priceless!
Great, you just gave them an idea for another model.