US Drought Monitor Announces That No Amount Of Rain Can End The Drought In New Mexico And Colorado

Washington has determined that not even Noah’s flood would lift the exceptional drought classification for New Mexico and Colorado.

ScreenHunter_207 Jul. 11 07.46

US Drought Monitor

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to US Drought Monitor Announces That No Amount Of Rain Can End The Drought In New Mexico And Colorado

  1. RobertInAz says:

    Rains in Phoenix and our Internet goes out.

  2. Judy F. says:

    Our area hasn’t gotten any rain, so we are still in a drought and down 4.5 inches from normal. (Posted from the impending state of North Colorado) The Sidney weather station is the closest to me, which is why I reference it.

  3. jeffk says:

    Earlier last year here in N. Fla, we had Exceptional drought (Georgia’s was worse). Then we had Tropical Storm Debby last June, and that started a wet cycle continuing thru this year. It’s normal for climate to ebb and flow all the time, everywhere.

  4. Dave says:

    Indeed. The other day I was driving in a rain storm while a commercial by the Bernalillo county water authority was playing on the radio, with some nice lady exclaiming “it’s not just dry, it’s a drought!” and saying we don’t know how long extreme dry conditions will last, so we need severe water use restrictions. Welcome to Oceana. Some poor fellow in Albuquerque was fined $700 for giving his trees too much water just 3 weeks ago. It’s amazing how bureaucratic hacks have the power to impose such punitive fines on the population. Who gave them that kind of power? We talk a lot about Obama but people need to start fighting socialism at the local level.

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