Shock News : Guardian Doesn’t Blame Something On Global Warming

ScreenHunter_229 Jul. 12 07.36

Iceberg half the size of Greater London calves off Antarctic glacier | Environment |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Shock News : Guardian Doesn’t Blame Something On Global Warming

  1. TomC says:

    It’s still propaganda fluff.
    It doesn’t matter if they say it isn’t global warming, they get the phrase itself inserted into the article’s sub-headline.

    Then there’s the body of the article…

    First there’s this: Prof Angelika Humbert, a glaciologist and ice modeller with the Alfred Wegener Institute – “I use the images from the satellite to model the flow of the glacier and how the grounding line is retreating which allows us to predict the behaviour of the ice sheet over the next hundreds to thousands of years.”

    In other words, expect a study from Angelika Humbert within a year which will probably contain the following: “Based on our modeling we expect a collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet within x years (probably a time period hinted at in her quote above – “hundreds to thousands of years”) but we need more funding to refine our models due to the severe nature of this threat and the broad spectrum of socioeconomic impacts upon low-lying regions, especially in poor countries which will be worst hit.”
    Sound about right?

    In fact, they already give it away just a little further down the article: “The flow of the ice stream from the Pine Island Glacier has accelerated in recent years. Smith said: “The Pine Island glacier is quite significant because it is losing more ice to the sea than any other glacier in the world. The glacier is changing a lot and quickly.”

    Complete melting of the Pine Island glacier in the future would not only increase global sea-levels but it is also predicted that it could destabilise the entire West Antarctic ice sheet. Studying the glacier can help scientists to understand what factors contribute to the melting.”

    And there it is. We’re not going to say this is global warming today but after we model all this (and announce our pre-arrived conclusion) it will be.

    So this article, while saying this calving event isn’t global warming, implies it throughout the rest of the story.

  2. Steve Clough says:

    And before she assigned her hypothesis for this particular glacier I bet she searched for a glacier that was losing ice than one that was gaining ice so to make her hypothesis worthy.

  3. gator69 says:

    “Natural event unrelated to global warming…”

    Isn’t global warming a natural event? It always has been before. Or did Al Gore invent it? 😉

  4. Ben says:

    Retreating glacier, bad
    Advancing glacier, bad

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