Recent Civilization Has Never Known A Time When NASA Told The Truth

ScreenHunter_239 Jul. 12 09.25

ScreenHunter_238 Jul. 12 09.21

NASA (NASA) on Twitter

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Recent Civilization Has Never Known A Time When NASA Told The Truth

  1. gator69 says:

    Most of human history we were smarter, and didn’t care.

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    And we never will know a time either.

    Even at low points in the cycle, there were millions of square km of ice.

  3. Sundance says:

    Evidence archived by Smithsonian/NASA and showing an Arctic that was free of sea ice during most of the Early Holocene Summers, was not done by humans then, according to the NASA poster. After reading the archived Smithsonian/NASA study, I now know Arctic summers were free of sea ice so this means I can no longer be human in order for this NASA poster to be true.

    WARNING: unless you want to be classified as non-human and uncivilized by NASA do not read this link outlining how the Arctic was ice free in the Early Holocene. 🙂

  4. Ben says:

    RE: NASA – “Humankind has never known a time when there has not been sea ice in the Arctic in the summer.”

    What a clever statement. However, humankind’s prior ignorance of previous ice-free summers in no way diminishes the truth.

    Dr. Walt Meier of NSIDC states that there have been multiple ice-free Arctic summers in the past 8,000 years.

  5. Bill Illis says:

    And the Inuit did not invent whaling boats and kayaks.

  6. mkelly says:

    For the first oh 1.9 million years of humankind’s existence we lived in Africa and did not know the Arctic was there. So it would be an impossibility to know about the ice in the summer for place we did not know existed. Stupid statement.

  7. shazaam says:

    Dr. Walt Meier of NSIDC states that there have been multiple ice-free Arctic summers in the past 8,000 years.

    Eh, he can say anything he likes there. Since there is no way to prove it or disprove it, I consider his words to be more wind feeding the “blowtorch”.

    If he works for a government institution, or accepts government money it’s very easy to tell when his words have no resemblance to the truth. His lips are moving.

  8. Pathway says:

    Define Recent Civilization.

  9. Rovertv says:

    So the moon is still without footstaps in the moon sand?

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