Unprecedented Arctic Cold In The Forecast

This summer has been the coldest on record in the Arctic, and temperatures are forecast to get much colder towards the end of the month.

ScreenHunter_118 Jul. 14 19.31ScreenHunter_119 Jul. 14 19.31

10-Day Temperature Outlook

This is becoming a huge problem for alarmists, because the large mass of multi-year ice in the Beaufort Sea is not going to melt this summer, and will get much thicker over the winter.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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52 Responses to Unprecedented Arctic Cold In The Forecast

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Operation Blowtorch has commenced. All satellite images will be reset to 2012 and anyone mentioning “ice” will be arrested on drug charges. Nuclear weapons are the last resort.

  2. MikeTheDenier says:

    Unprecedented Propaganda In The Forecast

    U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans


  3. I clicked your link and noticed three maps, the third one was for temperature anomaly.
    Why didn’t you post that one?.


    Why is there so much red (positive anomaly) and a complete lack of blue outside of Greenland.
    The only thing unprecedented is the level of horse manure you post on the science fiction blog.
    It doesn’t matter, the illiterati eat it up

    • I really hope you aren’t as stupid as you pretend to be, but it appears that you are.

      The map I posted show that temperatures over most of the Arctic Ocean will be below freezing for the last week in July, which means that the ice won’t be melting.

      What is going on inside your little disordered paranoid brain?

      • pjie2 says:

        Interestingly, today’s map has most of the blue replaced by green, implying above freezing. The most likely explanation is that the temperature is almost exactly zero, and that small random fluctuations are putting it one side or other of the boundary. This is entirely unsurprising given that you have melting ice sitting in water, which constrains the temperature to be very near zero.

        As you have been repeatedly told, looking at the surface temperature of melting ice is uninformative: it will always be very near zero. To work out how much excess heat is going in to the system (i.e. how fast the ice is melting), you need to look at the surrounding non-ice-covered areas. The anomaly map shows them well above average.

      • T.O.O. says:

        The Arctic Bay Airport, Canada is predicting weather over 55F this week and if you want to check out a much better picture of the ENTIRE Arctic weather situation, this is the link: http://www.uni-koeln.de/math-nat-fak/geomet/meteo/winfos/arcisoTTPPWW.gif

        As you can see, there are LOTS of very toasty reds on the Eastern half of the Arctic.

    • Joseph Bastardi says:

      I have been watching you post and its flabbergasting. Canada IS WARM. But what is being looked at here is the arctic above 80 north, which is not canada and is what the metric the Danish use as arctic temps.In addition the very cold in Greenland is also a big switch.

      For the record, the distortion of the global temp pattern brought about in a cyclical nature by oceanic oscillations warms the northern hemisphere more since warmer oceans will contribute to the warmth over the land that is in the northern hemisphere . So the warming is seen in the continents and continents surround the ARCTIC OCEAN. Conversely, the proof that this is a distortion, that corrects with time is the increase in southern hemisphere ice. It is tougher to cool or warm water than it is cold dry air. You are seeing warming yes, but mainly in the coldest time of the year which if you look at mixing ratios, would tell you that drops where its warmer and wetter ( example over the tropical pacific) carry far more weight and essentially regulate the earths thermostat. So the cooling has begun as is clearly seen on the NCEP temperature trend over the last 4 years, NCEP not being a right wing think tank, but a US gvt site

      as far as the northwest passage being open.. been there, done that

      Sought by explorers for centuries as a possible trade route, it was first navigated by Roald Amundsen in 1903–1906.

      The recent opening is part of the combined warm cycles of the pdo and amo. The pdo has flipped to cold so the Bering sea ice is increasing. The AMO will flip in a few years and the whole point will be moot. Its happened before, it will happen again.

      What I find interesting is that last year guys like you were screaming about Greenland, which btw is having a cold summer. And you are screaming about Canada, which is not what Steve is referencing, he is referencing temps over the high arctic. And by the way if you understood what temperature actually represents, you would see why there is no true warming, for while the arctic has been warmer in winters due to this cycle ( again it is much easier to warm cold dry air than it is to cool warm moist air, the same amount) you would see that SUMMER TEMPS have never going too far above normal in the arctic. Its not a big deal if its supposed to be -20f and it winds up being -12 f. It is a big deal if a normal is near 35f and its up to 45 f, but then that is not, nor will it happen

      This is a classic bait and switch, as Steve was obviously talking about the arctic temps And the NW passage has been open before.. but the reversal will come when the AMO flips.

      The good news for you.. you will be able to scream about the southern hemisphere ice , currently near record highs, cause it will pull back as the shift takes place

      The very nature of the system, the design, means it the utopian balanced climate you seek can not be attained. It is typical leftist mentality to seek things that can not be attained, so they never have to confront the problems that need to be addressed today. Fight the demon in yourself today, not worry about the ghost down the road tomorrow. Its most likely not there

      • T.O.O. says:

        “I have been watching you post and its flabbergasting. Canada IS WARM. But what is being looked at here is the arctic above 80 north, which is not canada . . .”

        Well if that is true then why did Steve post a graph minus that part of the world and then also link to the 10 day forecast for Canada and Alaska?

        Still flabbergasted?

        • You really can’t be as stupid as you pretend to be.

        • T.O.O. says:

          No Steve,
          I think you must be talking about Bastardi. He is obviously wrong because he says you are not talking about Canada but, in fact, your graphs and links plainly say you are.

        • We are talking about Arctic sea ice on this blog. I’m pretty sure there isn’t any sea ice in the middle of Canada.

          What was interesting in the map above is the region of below freezing temperatures over the Arctic Ocean in July. Are you are T.O.O. stupid to understand that?

        • T.O.O. says:

          If your intent was to not talk about Canada and areas to the south of 80N, then why did you link there and post a graph of Canada? And if your intent was to talk only about Arctic temps, why didn’t you post a link like this one which shows the entire arctic? http://www.uni-koeln.de/math-nat-fak/geomet/meteo/winfos/arcisoTTPPWW.gif

        • Glacierman says:

          Such a Lazarus-like tactic.

        • T.O.O. says:

          “Such a Lazarus-like tactic.”

          Well, if this other Lazarus (whom I assume you are referring to) pointed out logical inconsistencies on this blog, then I would have to agree with you.

  4. When you said, “lying is a cardinal sin on this blog”, it obviously didn’t apply to you

    • Richard T. Fowler says:

      As you know or should have known by now, the reference to record temps was for 80+ N. And also the anomaly map you reference does not include the ocean waters.

      So there is no lie visible on this post.


      • Here are 2 lies

        1) This summer has been the coldest on record in the Arctic

        2) Unprecedented Arctic Cold In The Forecast

        • Richard T. Fowler says:

          No, 1 is NOT lie, for the reason I just explained!!

          2 is not a lie because it is apparently Steven’s forecast. Why would he lie about his belief about what is going to happen with temperatures??


        • Richard T. Fowler, “Offering Christian and Christ-centered commentary about climate” and accepting obvious horse manure from the anonymous blogger who posts as Steven Goddard
          There is no way this is the coldest summer on record in the Arctic, this isn’t religion, faith doesn’t have anything to do with the temperatures.

        • Did you look at the other two maps in Steve’s link?
          Did you notice the color in the Arctic until July 22?
          Does that look like unprecedented cold?

          “Happy are those who have not seen yet still believe”

        • Richard T. Fowler says:

          Contrary to your apparent belief, I have no problem with you quoting from my blog. I have already explained to you how these are not lies. I even asked you a question to see if you could knock down one of my observations, and you totally ignored it.

          As for the temperatures north of 80N, you best pay VERY close attention to the following:


          FYI the reason I checked is precisely because, contrary to what your very small mind can comprehend, I am WELL aware that Steven has pushed the envelope a few times and I have sometimes not been a FAN of this!! So … ENOUGH of your GARBAGE, to include your SWEEPING, BLANKET STATEMENTS about every single person who has ever agreed with Steven about anything!! ENOUGH!! You call yourself a SCIENTIST!?! SHAME ON YOU!

      • Eric Barnes says:

        I think Reg needs a new sponsor. Perhaps “Reggie sponsored by 4th grade reading comprehension”?

      • Are you that uneducated that you don’t even know what the Arctic is, it’s not just north of 80?
        I am sure you will spin this until you are dizzy because your religion doesn’t allow you to believe man can affect climate.

        • Richard T. Fowler says:

          FOR YOUR INFORMATION, my religion DOES allow that, and therefore you now need to STOP saying otherwise, and you were out of line to say it to begin with because it is unethical!

          As for the Arctic, I wam well aware of that definition, and I am also aware that DMI was characterizing their data set as Arctic temperatures, presumably because they did not have a significant data set below 80. That is no different from dendroclimatologists using trees from here and there in Russia, Canada and Finland and calling it a proxy for Northern boreal forest temperatures. You use what you have, and you use statistics to try to establish the degree of validity with it. If you have a problem with it, you have a problem with DMI, not me, since I was just citing them! And as for Steven, he said “in the Arctic”, he did not say “over the entire Arctic”. There is a difference. And this is exactly what your friends do a hundred times a year. If you’re using all the data you have that you statistically can use, then there’s nothing wrong with it.

          Here I am defending DMI, and you are trying to tear them to shreds for no other reason than that I cited them. And you call yourself a scientist. SHAME. ON. YOU!!

    DMI has other data, you and Steve are cherry picking this one graph.

    You are certainly not a real sceptic, M Mann spoke to the real skeptics yesterday

    • Most people are intelligent enough to understand that there isn’t any sea ice in Fairbanks, but apparently not Reggie.

      On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:33 PM, Real Science

    • Richard T. Fowler says:

      Whatever, dude. I didn’t see any others. Not that I was required to look for them in the first place.

    • I thought Christians didn’t bear false witness, you are clearly lying when you claim I am “tearing DMI to shreds” When did I even once mention them in a derogatory manner since I started blogging here.

      You sir, are a chronic liar!
      Its not surprising after observing you childish behaviour and lying about what I said two weeks ago when you asked Steve to ban me.
      That isn’t very Christ like.

      • Richard T. Fowler says:

        What is this?? I’m “lying” because I said I didn’t see any other DMI graphs from their website when I went to look? And as proof, say “[T]here are three maps at Steve’s link”?? Come on!

        Now as for your other false claim, about our dispute over DMI’s analysis, I stated here:


        at 3:13 am that I was basing my statements on DMI.

        You then said at 3:18 in reply, “Are you that uneducated that you don’t even know what the Arctic is, it’s not just north of 80?”

        So it should be apparent that I assumed that you had seen the same DMI graph that I had seen, and were therefore aware of what it states. Therefore when you then proceed to make your 3:18 statement, you are questioning DMI’s definition of the Arctic, and I was then forced to provide a hypothetical defense for that, even though I have not reviewed their work and am taking them at your word. So where’s the false witness in that?? Answer, THERE ISN’T ANY. All you have to do is assume good faith, and everything fits together in a way that requires no lying.

        Good night!

        • Richard T. Fowler says:

          P.s. as for the thing about Robert Phelan, I was stating my opinion you goof. Why would I lie about that?? Good night and good riddance!!

      • miked1947 says:

        You are a total moron and becoming a complete bore.
        I would suggest a Cranialanalectomy as a start to curing your problem.

      • There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

        I seem to remember a little Un-Christ spat Christ himself engaged in when he drove the money changers from the temple.

        But Sir Reggie, you couldn’t recognize Jesus Christ if he stabbed you in the buttocks with an izmel. As in “Oh Christ!! Why did you stab me in my ass?”

  6. stewart pid says:

    Reggie is doing what the alarmist shills always do when dealt a losing hand … they can’t win with a factual conversation and so they yell louder and longer and try to out shout the opposition. Ultimately it is best to stop feeding the trolls.
    DMI calculates and graphs for north of 80 and yet that doesn’t suit Reggie’s world of bizarro climate and so the silliness begins.
    The rowers are on the move again but they can’t get a break with yesterdays forecast of a west wind later this week now gone and all winds are from the east or the north for the next 6 days.
    I think they are idiots to be out there but I hope they stay safe.
    Good night all.

  7. There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

    Naw, It ain’t Reggie. Dr. D. E. Dadavildy is much to intelligent to be Reggie. Second the man in this Brawndo ad is much to honest to be Reggie.

  8. Chewer says:

    Reggie should take the beating that his beloved crew are about to take on August 9th, at least he’d feel better about himself and his beliefs-:)

  9. De Paus says:

    Irish solar science specialist Dr Ian Elliott says: “It seems likely we are going to enter a period of very low solar activity and could mean we are in for very cold winters.

  10. gator69 says:

    Reggie, sponsored by Brawndo says:
    July 15, 2013 at 2:59 am
    Richard T. Fowler, “Offering Christian and Christ-centered commentary about climate” and accepting obvious horse manure from the anonymous blogger who posts as Steven Goddard.”

    Reggie, sponsored by the word “BIGOT”!

  11. gator69 says:

    “Reggie, sponsored by Brawndo says:
    July 15, 2013 at 3:18 am
    Are you that uneducated that you don’t even know what the Arctic is, it’s not just north of 80?
    I am sure you will spin this until you are dizzy because your religion doesn’t allow you to believe man can affect climate.”

    I wonder if the whole team twisted is bigoted, or just Reggie?

  12. gator69 says:

    “July 15, 2013 at 3:39 am

    That isn’t very Christ like.”

    Neither is an egotistically driven self serving grandstand of a farce of a trip. If team twisted wanted to make a difference for humanity, they could stow their overblown egos and go help starving kids. Instead they decided to take money from CAGW scammers who are actually starving children.

  13. Mike Mangan says:

    Reggie exhibits the usual bigotry against religious believers common among his tribe. Did you know that if you splash an Alarmist with holy water their skin will blister? Plus they make a wicked “Hsss!!” noise.

    • gator69 says:

      Gaia will not tolerate infidels! The warmist acolytes have been taught to be intolerant of the views of others.

    • Les Johnson says:

      My ex-wife must have been an alarmist. Not only was she allergic to holy water, but she also reacted badly to sunlight, silver and crucifixes.

  14. Les Johnson says:

    Mike: My ex wife must have been an alarmist. Holy water was just one of her many allergies. She was also allergic to sunlight, silver and crucifixes.

  15. Les Johnson says:

    Steve: Can you check if I have been inadvertly put on the spam list? I am unable to post using my other email address.

  16. R. de Haan says:

    No problem for the warmists. All contracts have been signed. Europe will get it’s wind mills and potential net surges, brown- and blackouts will be prevented by thousands of diesel generators. Coal power plants in Europe will burn 1/3 coal and 2/3 US forests from Georgia for starters before the entire continent sinks into a permanent depressions until it is rescued by the Russians.

    The US will sell it’s coal to China, it’s forests to Europe and it’s shale for home use until we enter WWIII that will wipe out 80% of the world population. At that time Obama will be Global President of the UN World Government. He will claim the Republicans were right about his birth country Kenya but that doesn’t matter any longer because the Republican Party made the mistake to collaborate with the Obama government once to much on the wrong points and their refusal to accept gun control laws turned them into terrorists after which the Republican Party was forbidden.

    Under the Obama World Presidency the remaining cities will be flattened and the whole planet is turned into one mega big golf yard. Playing golf becomes obligatory for all survivors who don’t serve under Koni and all live a miserable life.

    Fortunately the planet keeps spinning and a new ice age makes people finally come to their senses but it’s too late. Obama in the end is eaten by a polar bear and the next hundred thousand years polar bears rule the planet.

  17. Richard T. Fowler says:

    Hey Joseph, I appreciate the additional info! Your analysis looks very reasonable to me, and I welcome your final paragraph, since I know first-hand how hard it can be for a scientist to start going down that road. But as I reasoned at the time, once the truth of the connection between much of modern “science” and leftist politics is clear beyond any doubt, it would be wrong and biased not to state it at least occasionally. I applaud your diligent work in all the weather and climate science you have done, including your tireless efforts to combat lack of understanding by the public.


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