Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President

After a long absence, you have brought mob rule back to the US.

One of your first acts as president was to encourage anger against AIG employees. Then you moved on to Republicans, gun owners, Tea Party members, fiscal conservatives, radio talk show hosts, whistle blowers, climate skeptics, people defending their neighborhoods, etc.

Just one question – What are trying to accomplish by doing this?



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Dear Mr. President

  1. philjourdan says:

    You know the answer to the question. While Lincoln told us 150 years ago about a house divided, Obama is making it come to pass.

  2. Black and liberal activists (and Muslim jihadists) have been making deposits of hate into the account of Black American racism since the 1960’s. The U.S.A. is thus long-divided now, between those who think black prejudice constitutes a true moral standard, and those who don’t (and who think the former are missing the main point of America, of individual freedom–of whites as well as blacks–from any and all false dogmas, such as racial prejudice).

  3. omanuel says:

    Mr. Obama and other world leaders probably know they are sitting on a powder keg that may explode at any moment. They are desperately trying to buy a just few more minutes of time.

    My open message to the Space Science & Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives, not yet completed, will probably open with this bold factual statement:

    Fear that the world might be destroyed by nuclear annihilation and remorse for having killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians convinced world leaders and scientists to build post-1945 science on falsehoods:

    1. Stars are made of hydrogen.
    2. Neutrons attract neutrons.

    • Whatever good science (objective evidence) you think you have to back up your statements, you are really only promulgating just another false, divisive (because it is hateful) dogma–that “leaders and scientists” all conspired (perhaps unconsciously? whatever) to “build post-1945 science on falsehoods”. The definitive evidence against it is the continued pursuit of and investment in a WORKING (the key word) nuclear energy technology: the post-war development of the nuclear fusion bomb, expansion of nuclear stockpiles, nuclear reactors for submarines, and later for commercial power–there is not the slightest sign of a compulsive and worldwide deterrent fear of good science, i.e., no self-destructive avoidance of a clearly working, advancing scientific development of the newly discovered power source.

      • omanuel says:

        Thanks, Harry, for your comment and concerns.

        I know beyond any reasonable doubt that the entire, post-1945 edifice of science – astronomy, astrophysics, climatology, cosmology, geology, nuclear, particle, planetary, solar, and space space – is based on the validity of two 1946 falsehoods that have been advertised and sold as scientific facts:

        1. Stars are made of hydrogen.
        2. Neutrons attract neutrons.

  4. R. de Haan says:

    Nope, they are working on a planned agenda and they are extremely successful.
    The agenda is Global Governance and central control over everything including the life and death of individual citizens.

    • squid2112 says:

      You pretty well nailed it. The Zimmerman verdict is precisely what the Obama regime was hoping for, and knew ahead of time would be the outcome. They want division. They want to drag this out as long as they can and make the most of it. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. They will continue to fuel this fire as much as they can as they want (need) civil unrest to ensue. The are desperately trying to stockpile the fuel to eventually spark complete civil breakdown. This is ALL by design.

      Ask yourself this. Out of all the shootings that happen each year, many very much like the Martin/Zimmerman one. Out of all of the shootings that happen just over a weekend in Chicago. Why was this one highlighted and brought to the public attention? Why this one?

      Answer: because it was almost perfect for a public show-boat trial with as much controversy as possible. Because it was ripe to serve a purpose, not to serve justice mind you, but to serve a purpose. Sad part is, to anyone with two brain cells to rub together, this was all very easy to see from the beginning.

  5. Obama has no good, solid moral character–the Rev. Wright episode exposed this quite well, to anyone with eyes and ears open to the truth. He does not even know his moral positions are only a mask, an empty, hopeful shell: the unleavened (except by political correctness) prejudices of a man psychologically stunted by his early lack of parental love, a largely dysfunctional upbringing in a foreign culture, and his own later chosen associations–and how many young American blacks have been similarly stunted? I think he was a child vulnerable to brainwashing, practically subjected to it by Muslim teachings and culture, and positively embracing it in his later, essentially black, racially prejudiced, activism. He is the fruit of racial prejudices, both black and white, in America, and of Islamic rationalizations of envy and hate, masquerading as true religious philosophy. He, like many angry young American blacks, has been subjected to and suborned by, long-nurtured dark forces in our world. How can such a one do other than lead his country towards self-destruction–it must be “transformed”, in his mind, that’s all he “knows”. He cannot be a true leader, only a representative of our self-destructive divisions.

    • R. de Haan says:

      Koni II comes to mind although some claim Koni doesn’t exist either because nobody has ever come up with his birth certificate.

      With all due respect I don’t know why O is still in office. So many reasons to kick him out Egyptian Style.

      • Richard T. Fowler says:

        Obama has the support of the Republican Party leadership, who are mostly either Leninists or fellow travelers. We are witnessing the culmination of a plan that was hatched probably as early as the Franklin Roosevelt administration, if not earlier.


        • philjourdan says:

          A lot earlier. IN the bowels of darkness following the defeat of the south during the Civil war.

        • Richard T. Fowler says:

          Thanks Phil. I do think there was a very general plan or concept in place by the end of Reconstruction, but not what I would call a specific, actionable plan.


  6. R. de Haan says:

    Served at command even if the news comes from Alex Jones: WWIII brews as Nation is distracted by Trayvon Martin Case:

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