Central New Mexico Gets 30-50% Of Their Annual Rainfall In One Week – Government Says They Are Having An Exceptional Drought

ScreenHunter_357 Jul. 28 21.35

Intellicast – Weekly Precipitation in United StatesScreenHunter_358 Jul. 28 21.36

US Drought Monitor

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Central New Mexico Gets 30-50% Of Their Annual Rainfall In One Week – Government Says They Are Having An Exceptional Drought

  1. crosspatch says:

    Check out some stats from this page. http://lakemead.water-data.com/

    Make Mead inflow this water year 137% of normal. Lake level up 28 feet over last two years. Up 9 feet since last year.

  2. You need to recheck the data … up 28 feet from 2010 to 2012 … then down 10 feet in last year, and, more worrisome, Lake Powell inflows are trending at historic lows, reservoir is half full, and Lake Meade is below half full … half empty … you decide … but trend line is awful, and Las Vegas may dry out in two to three years, unless the sky remembers how to make rain over the DESERT southwest … no matter though, just sit back and breathe in the Fukushima plutonium aerosols, and it won’t matter so much, anymore … jus’ sayin!

  3. crosspatch says:

    What the heck? Now it shows 10 feet below last year. What a difference a day makes, I guess.

    • miked1947 says:

      Rate if discharge is is greater than rate of average inflow. That is what government agencies are best known for, SNAFU!

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