Understanding The Bill Clinton Middle East Peace Process

As soon as the peace process starts, terrorism skyrockets. Kerry must have used some pretty potent extortion to get Israel to march off the cliff.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Understanding The Bill Clinton Middle East Peace Process

  1. I. Lou Minotti says:

    That’s why you never appease dogs, or cast your pearls after swine. Thank God for Netanyahu, the only man leading one of the two best countries in the world, both of which have been God’s blessing to the third-world jealous knuckledraggers who even refuse to accept one fish for one day from God’s blessed white people. They’re too proud, and they think success comes from beating rocks together to ignite their yak-shit fires to keep warm. And here’s the only way they suddenly become Satan’s geniuses–when they figure out a way to steal from those who’ve actually worked for what they own. “Nigger” doesn’t refer to a race–it exposes an ideology.

  2. crosspatch says:

    Well, of course terrorist attacks ramp up. Just before any peace process starts, Israel releases a bunch of terrorists from prison. They immediately go back to doing what they were doing before they went to prison.

  3. Gamecock says:

    “Peace process” is indirection. Instead of working on peace, you work on process.

    Reminds me of the 80s when my company had us doing pre-meeting meetings, to design the meeting.

  4. Last Quarter Moon spurs Middle East peace negotiations. http://bit.ly/16u8pNt

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