Rowers Barely Escaped Being Trapped By Ice On July 24

On July 24, the rowers miraculously traveled 30 km into the wind with their GPS turned off.

We rounded the tip of the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula after two weeks of hard effort, sand bars and unfriendly winds.

The Test

Had they not performed that superhuman feat, they would have been stuck behind the ice the next day and their trip would be over.

ScreenHunter_365 Jul. 29 05.53

Sometimes you just need some help from the hand of god.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Rowers Barely Escaped Being Trapped By Ice On July 24

  1. Gamecock says:

    The rowers have made a break for Cape Parry!

    If they can round the cape, they may be able to get much further from their rescuers.

  2. Bloke down the pub says:

    What are the names of the crew? Johnson, Mariner, Mercury and Honda?

  3. Tim Spence says:

    This all sounds dodgy with the GPS, they’ve already failed, commercial shipping cant be hauling itself across sandbanks or beaching for a rest, The longer they go on failing the worse it’s going to look.

  4. kbray in california says:

    Finally some honesty from the rowers regarding the ice.
    Truth happens when you face death.
    But these 4 are pushing their luck.
    Now, no anchor.

    • kbray in california says:

      A large iceberg almost plowed over their boat while they were sleeping at anchor.
      They had to cut the anchor line to escape from being sunk.

      • Why didn’t they use the blowtorch to melt the ice?

      • Latimer Alder says:

        Hope they’ve got a second anchor and line.

        Would not like to be in their position if not…just another bit of driftwood. I think they’re daft and their ’cause’ misguided, but I wish them no personal ill.

        And its amazing how they make such a lot of distance when their GPS is mysteriously u/s. Must be Mother Gaia giving them supernatural help.

        Apropos of nothing at all (innocent face) does anyone remember this guy;

        • Gamecock says:

          “I think they’re daft and their ’cause’ misguided, but I wish them no personal ill.”

          I’m not so maudlin. Their cause is the destruction of Western Civilization.

    • Richard Lynch says:

      Actually, they have mentioned it before. They report hitting ice in a previous post.

      • kbray in california says:

        This whole rowing trip is about the status of the ice in the arctic.
        Today is the first photo of any ice although it has been present well before today.
        They anticipated ice free conditions similar to last year, but have been surprised by reality. They have avoided making any photos of the ice public.

      • There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

        True, but while one picture is worth a thousand words, I don’t thank that a thousand words is worth one picture.

  5. @NJSnowFan says:

    Angry Arctic summer of 2013

  6. kbray in california says:

    Strong westerlies blowing them toward Cape Parry.
    Paulatuk in the South might be off the pit stop list.
    Talk about “casting your fate to the wind”.
    I like more control than that.

  7. Richard Lynch says:

    There are still two other groups and one single rower behind them. We’ll see if they are forced to give up due to ice.

  8. There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

    Those tittle bitty tiny tinny growlers aren’t even respectable icebergs but they also don’t sound much like Reggie’s first year, rotten, slushy, thin ice do they? Maybe Reggie had an accident of confidence when he saw Chris Berg’s brother bearing down on the Artic Joulet and now Reggie’s matches are too damp to fire off his Arctic blow torch. At any rate we now know that the Smoking Hills and similar regions are also contribute to the H20 that Mainstream Renewable Energy is paid to fight.

  9. kbray in california says:

    One does not need to go to the Arctic to put one’s life at risk from high winds and angry seas:

    Why would anyone swim with 80mph winds?

  10. Stephen Richards says:

    kbray in california says:

    July 29, 2013 at 5:00 pm

    One does not need to go to the Arctic to put one’s life at risk from high winds and angry seas:

    There are 2 seriously dangerous winds in Southern France, The Tramontan and the Mistral. The tramontan blows down the Gironde / garonne valley, The Mistral down the Rhone / Rhine. They can both arrive suddenly and with considerable energy.

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