Rebuked By The Pope, The Met Office Offers Penance

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A new set of studies from the British government’s Meteorological Office has addressed the claims by climate change skeptics that global warming has “stopped” or “paused” or is “slowing down.”

The Met Office’s response is a trio of reports that, in style and length, resembles a set of ‘Climate Cliff Notes,’ and which, taken in order, provide a step-by-step assessment of the skeptical claims.

There is actually a multitude of measurements: of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases; of atmospheric water vapor; of air temperature near the ground, in the lower atmosphere, and in the stratosphere; of changes in glacier mass balance and polar sea ice; of sea level rise and, importantly, changes in the heat content of the ocean. The accumulation of evidence from all these observations points unhesitatingly to a warming planet.

Still No Support for Global Warming ‘Slowdown’ : Discovery News

Looks like the Met Office has joined the flat earth society.

ScreenHunter_345 Jul. 28 19.30

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Rebuked By The Pope, The Met Office Offers Penance

  1. David says:

    Its like a bad movie your told its hotter why you freeze. Your told the economy is great while you can’t find a full time job. Your told an education will get you somewhere they don’t say its the poor house. I was listening to a friend the other day whose daughter spent 27000 to become a vet tech. She has a job making 8.75 an hour part time cleaning cages at the vets office. I think surely everyone will wake up soon but I am beginning to lose hope.

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

      Who spends more time with their children, their mothers and fathers or the state’s paid Indoctrination expert…. I mean teachers?

  2. Jorge says:

    A warming planet, just not in temperatures. What a joke the Met Office is. Is there any wonder why these knuckleheads get every single weather forecast wrong?

  3. Jorge says:

    These people are in full on damage control mode.

  4. Anything is possible says:

    They appear to be in,…(err, What’s that word again? – something to do with a river in Africa)

    I love irony……

  5. philjourdan says:

    The shell and the pea game. Guess where the heat is? As soon as you look, it is not there,.

  6. Billy Liar says:

    I call her Vicky Dope – she hasn’t realized that the glaciers would continue to melt even if the temperature stays the same (as long as the average is above zero).

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