A Simple Plan To Save The Planet

ScreenHunter_370 Jul. 29 09.06

The president tells us that the excessive lifestyle Americans enjoy, is destroying the climate. He knows this because it was hot in DC one afternoon a few weeks ago, and because there was a hurricane last year.

NOAA tells him that last year was the second most extreme year on record, based on a nonsensical statistic which counted mild winter days as  being “extreme” – twice.

The solution is simple. Evil American energy companies produce fossil fuel, because evil Americans keep buying it. If all progressives (particularly at universities) would simply disconnect (I prefer the word “divest“) their transportation, heating and electrical systems from the fossil fuel powered grid, they could save the planet.

If progressives really cared, they would do this. The power is in their hands to save Gaia.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to A Simple Plan To Save The Planet

  1. gator69 says:

    I’ll take Skeeter seriously when Air Force One looks like this…


  2. David says:

    I have noticed that Al Gore goes all over the world in private jets and limos, spouting the benefits of living in a one bedroom apartment with with a candle for warmth and lighting. I also imagine he is not going to take up eating insects like he would like the rest of us to do.

  3. RMB says:

    Steven when it comes to saving the planet the ocean is so far ahead of us, we can’t hear the band playing. You can not “heat” water through the surface. If you apply heat from, say a paint stripping heat gun the surface of the water totally rejects the heat and remains stone cold. I recommend you try it for yourself because the simple fact that surface tension blocks heat answers all the questions, including the fact that Trenberth can’t find his heat.
    The sun radiates the ocean daily but you can not heat a gas and have that physical heat enter the ocean because surface tension blocks it. Svante Arrehius was wrong. This demonizing of co2 was really an invension of the Thatcher government. They needed more power stations but using coal would deliver them into the hands of Arthur Scargill. They needed nuclear but chernobyl was in everybody’s mind. One of the scientists called John Houghton miaculously discovered that co2 was a greenhouse gas. Job done. The whole theory is tripe because of surface tension. rgds

    • shazaam says:

      The sun shines for more than a minute or 2 a day. Get yourself a 5 gallon bucket of water, point that paint stripped at the water and run that paint stripper for 12 hours. When you are done, let us know how cool that water is and how much water is left (you’ll evaporate some and that counts as heat energy absorbed).

  4. Eric Simpson says:

    NOAA tells him that last year was the second most extreme year on record, based on a nonsensical statistic which counted mild winter days as being “extreme” – twice.
    There’s two seemingly irreconcilable contradictory points made by the two sides. One, the climate buffoons keep saying that 2012 was “the hottest year ever.” On the other hand, we’ve had a ~ 17 year pause in the warming, and for the last decade or so it may even have been cooling. Yes, the point is that the temperatures have plateaued, and so it’s still possible to have the “hottest year ever” despite the warming stall out. Yes, if you are stuck on the plateau, it’s still possible that you could be just slightly higher than a previous point, by fractions of a fraction of a degree.
    But, Steven, it’s very good to continue to put the spotlight on whatever shenanigans the fear mongering clowns have been up to regarding the plateau and “hottest year ever,” like data tricks or cherry picking the metric. Plateau my rear, I think we’ve been and will be cooling. Once the plateau starts to sink, the doomers are sunk.
    Of course, to repeat an important point, even if we were warming vigorously, it’s natural that we be warming, we’re recovering from the Little Ice Age, and history has been replete with the ups and downs of the temperature record!! But we’re not warming!!! The climate models all showed that the last decade and a half should have been a time of rapid warming. But that hasn’t happened. We’ve flat lined. The first conclusion, the models are bunk. And the models were the central selling point for the warmist propaganda. The warmists would say, to paraphrase: “It’s all about the models that show we are going to burn, and the models are too complex for you little people to understand. So just go along with our proposal to cap and cut back industrial civilization by 80%.” The models are bunk, and that the obvious second conclusion, so then is the whole edifice of AGW theory. Mann made global warming is Mann made, that’s the only truth.

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