Do You Believe?

Debating on alarmist discussion boards, it quickly becomes clear that facts are irrelevant. You either believe, or you are a heretic. All scientists say that unless we give up carbon, the world is doomed. Nothing else to be discussed.

This woman was using witchcraft to wreck the weather in Germany in 1775

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ScreenHunter_378 Jul. 29 11.45

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Do You Believe?

  1. Glacierman says:

    Too bad for her she didn’t float.

  2. shazaam says:

    No, no… The means of determining if the accused was a witch (or climate denier) was to wrap the accused in chains and toss ’em into the river. If they sank and drowned, they were innocent. If they floated (chains came off) they were guilty and thus the next step was burning at the stake.

    ( < — Is avoiding any mobs of true warmistas carrying chains and torches )

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