Are The Rowers In Trouble?

With a 20 MPH WSW wind, it is going to be very difficult to pull that boat back towards land. They don’t have an anchor, and may be in trouble.

ScreenHunter_383 Jul. 29 12.30

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Are The Rowers In Trouble?

  1. Stephen Richards says:

    But whatever magic has been allowing them to move quickly when their GPS is off will suddenly magic them to a safe haven, bien sur.

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Their rescue boat leaves in two weeks and show catch them up quite quickly.

  3. Wizzum says:

    If you switch to Sat view, their latest GPS position has them attached to an island or sand bar or something. It doesn’t show up on the map view.

  4. Anthony Bremner says:

    Maybe the wind will be favorable? It says WNW on Some ice has opened up ahead but could close again with this wind direction.

  5. DRPOHL says:

    Remember – 1)They lost the anchor yesterday – had to cut the line because ice come over it forcing them onto shore… 2) Then they all fell asleep together… no need for more comment on sleeping together in the MAN CAVE except they do not understand about keeping a good watch… SO COULD THE JOULETANIC be adrift and four lads wondering what to do on a sandbar? WHO YA GOING CALL? GHOST BUSTER? RIDICULOUS DARE DEVILS – EXPECT RESCUE? YABETCHA!

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