Mercedes Cause Global Warming

In case you doubted that western governments are completely insane.

A ban by France’s socialist government on the registration of several top-end Mercedes-Benz models has infuriated the German luxury carmaker and forced Brussels to step in to try to defuse the growing dispute.

The Mercedes issue revolves around an air-conditioning coolant called R134a which the EU outlawed from January for new model approvals because it is a highly potent global warming gas.

French ban on Mercedes cars provokes German fury –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Mercedes Cause Global Warming

  1. Eric Barnes says:

    Hopefully the Germans invade. It’s about the only thing that would improve the economic outlook for the US with that moron Obama in the WH.

  2. higley7 says:

    As there is no such thing as a “global warming gas” or a “greenhouse gas” for that matter, they are idiots.

    No gas at any concentration in the atmosphere can detectably warm the climate. It’s simple thermodynamics, the rarity of the gas, and the limited and narrow IR absorption spectra of these gases that says that a fence of stakes a yard apart is not going to hold in the cows, no matter how much you want it to.

    • Baa Humbug says:

      Forget the spectra, these gasses are unconstrained which means as soon as they warm, they rise up up and away from the surface to be replaced by cooler gasses.

  3. Baa Humbug says:

    Krauts and Frogs fighting; who’d a thought?

  4. Olaf Koenders says:

    R134a was used as a replacement for R12, which they said was Ozone-depleting, although Ozone is both created and destroyed by sunlight and the measurement of Ozone at Mauna Loa hasn’t changed at all since they started measuring it. The Ozone Scare was simply the green precursor to the CO2 scare to see how we’d accept the scam.

    There’s no such thing as a happy greenie. Maybe they’d like us to use R1234yf which Mercedes refused to use in its cars because it’s flammable!

  5. miked1947 says:

    They should use ammonia as a coolant instead. What is wring with using a deadly gas in a refrigeration unit? Think of the reduction in bad drivers and overall reduction in Green House Gasses.

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