Zero Warming Is Ten Times Faster Than Any Other Warming

American scientists claim the planet is undergoing one of the largest changes in climate in the past 65 million years.

Climatologists at Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment have warned the likely rate of change over the next century will be at least 10 times quicker than any climate shift since the dinosaurs became extinct.

If the trend continues at its current rapid pace, it will place significant stress on terrestrial ecosystems around the world, and many species will need to make behavioral, evolutionary or geographic adaptations to survive, they said.

Global warming is happening is ’10 times faster than at any time in the Earth’s history’, climate experts claim | Mail Online

Are these people idiots, or just criminals?

ScreenHunter_124 Aug. 02 23.08

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Zero Warming Is Ten Times Faster Than Any Other Warming

  1. Chewer says:

    These are some of the sleaziest and corrupt people you’ll ever hear about.
    If there were grants or bounties issued for extinguishing racketeers, our world would be a much better place -:)

  2. Ivan says:

    Are these people idiots, or just criminals?
    Neither. They are actually very smart people that are making a lot of money and having a good time. They are just telling people what they want to hear – and all at the taxpayers’ expense.
    The idiots are all the numb-nuts out there that lap all this stuff up.
    In a sane society, a lynch mob would be formed and they would be summarily dealt with.
    Unfortunately, we haven’t lived in a sane society for some years now.

  3. darrylb says:

    Steve, maybe we could have a contest for finding grants awarded for the most idiotic, worthless and wasteful studies.
    Monthly Winners? Yearly Winner? Print a Calender? I know a few places where I could market them and It might be a great way to spread the word. The ‘team’ Trenberth, Dessler et al would just love that!!!

  4. mwhite says:

    “A very interesting paper published in Energy and Environment has found that the Earth’s actual surface (as opposed to the air temperature 1.5-2m above it) has been cooling since at least 1982, according to data from the European METEOSAT satellite observation platform, which is in a geostationary orbit above the equator on the Greenwich Meridian. The authors think this is due to increased cloudiness. They point out that the UAH satellite data processed by John Christy also showed a cooling of the troposphere in the 1980?s until ‘adjustments’ were applied to the original computations. It’s a very readable paper, reprinted from the E&E Journal,”

  5. Anto says:

    110% criminals.

  6. gator69 says:

    Yet more model driven drivel. Yawn.

  7. Scarface says:

    Problem is that the majority of the people agree with the agenda: No To Oil and Saving Gaia. As long as that is the case these clowns can get away with almost everything.
    How to stop this madness is the multi-trillion dollar question. Facts won’t help imho.

  8. Are these people idiots, or just criminals?

    Mr. Goddard,


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