Obama : “Give War A Chance”

Thirteen years of war isn’t enough. We need to go bomb another country, based on even lamer fake evidence.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Obama : “Give War A Chance”

  1. kevin king says:

    And Blair is at it again with an opinion piece in the daily telegraph evangelizing the case for another set of officially authorized atrocities. How these criminals get away with it is beyond me. I dare say the british parliament (recalled for thursday) will rubberstamp another disasterous UK involvement. About time we simply forgot about our independence and signed up officially as the 51st state. Sorry no hold on isn’t that the 58th state?…obamatwit-knows-no-basic-american-geography

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    What part of “as long as our enemies are killing each other, we should just let them” do these idiots not understand.

    We should not bomb them, we should make obscene profits selling them weapons and ammunition. Just like peaceful Sweden has done for centuries.

  3. Robertv says:

    Nobel Peace War Criminal

  4. scizzorbill says:

    With the Iraq war finished, and Afghanistan winding down, the military industrial complex needs new blood. There is no money to be made with peace. War is is very lucrative, so expect the pot to be stirred yet again.

  5. phodges says:

    It is all about Russia, China, and the BRIC block.

  6. Adam Gallon says:

    Boeing’s production line for Tomahawks must be slowing down.

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