The Rise Of The Witchburners

More superstitious than the morons in the witch burning scene in The Holy Grail, eco-morons are blaming fires on people for thinking incorrect thoughts.

Rep. Rohrabacher, you should immediately apologize to all Californians for dismissing the growing threat of wildfires in our state, and calling climate change “a total fraud.” If you are unwilling to accept the vast scientific consensus on climate change you should immediately resign your position on the House Science Committee.

Fire is an essential part of the forest eco-system. The National Park Service says that Giant Sequoia forest burns naturally every 5-15 years. Fire suppression policy has made the fires less frequent and larger.

Why is this important?  Fires have been burning nonstop in California since May 1st. Peak wildfire season hasn’t even started yet, but already our state is enduring its driest year on record, and the seventh-largest fire in California history continues burning out of control in Yosemite National Park.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher must apologize to California fire victims | CREDO Mobilize

Seventh largest? That is indeed unprecedented, except for the six larger ones in the past.

Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to The Rise Of The Witchburners

  1. JFB says:

    In portuguese idiom, CREDO means:

    sm Profession of Faith Christian symbol called the apostles, which is a prayer that begins the Latin word credo (I believe): pray a creed.
    Set of principles, rules and dictates rules by which a person, a sect or party; program, doctrine: one political creed.
    Being as Pilate in the Creed, have no liability in a matter, having nothing to do with something that is unwittingly involved.
    Interj. Indicates amazement, disgust, superstition.
    Synonymous with credo: doctrine, …
    Source: Translation Google.

    But, in Brazil, CREDO = religion.

  2. Jeffk says:

    Here in Florida, we’ve had wildfires aplenty in recent years. Of course this year we’re getting ample rain totals which may portend being back to normal.
    Lake Okeechobee is overflowing and being drained of excess water thru canals to both coasts of Fla.
    in a few years things may be reversed. California could be wet again.

  3. Andy DC says:

    A huge political dog and pony show over whether there has been a half degree of warming.

  4. gator69 says:

    We must be careful who we allow to write our history. The Protestants won the day after their witch burning era, and blamed Catholics for the Inquisition, which was actually a product of the Spanish Royalty.

    “History is written by the victors”
    -Winston Chuchill

    Teach your children well.

    • GregM says:

      The Inquisition was an institution directly under the Pope. Started in south France in the 1180:s.
      The Spanish Inquisition was a later version which operated directly under Royal Christian authority in Spain and in all Spanish colonies and territories, including possessions in North, Central, and South America.
      SI Ended in 1834.

      • gator69 says:

        You can always count on Wiki to get facts half right, and the message completely wrong. The pope was a puppet that served at the pleasure of the ruling families. The ruling families derived their right of rule from God (allegedly), and non believers were a threat to their sovereignty, hence the need to cleanse the population.

        In the case of the Spanish Inquisition it was Queen Isabella I who started the proceedings which became brutal, until the church stepped in and stopped the inhumane tactics. Meanwhile, Protestants continued to burn humans at the stake.

        I was taught the Wiki version of history in school, and later learned the truth through my own inquisition. Read less Wiki, and more actual history.

        • GregM says:

          I think the Wikipedia article is quite accurate. Not everything at W-a is wrong.
          The inquisition(s) are among the most interesting (and scary) phenomena in religious history.
          More to read at Catholic Encyclopedia:

        • gator69 says:

          Greg, our founders vehemently opposed the intervention of government into religion, for that very reason. It was not the church, but the ‘state’ that pushed for inquisitions.

          I’m sorry if you do not understand the difference, because it is an incredibly important distinction. Sadly many people just do not get it.

  5. B.C. says:

    Anytime you see some idiot bitching about “unprecedented” fires, just hit ’em with the following link:

    Wildfires may be more intense in many areas, but it sure as Hell isn’t because of Glow Bull Worming. It’s simply because the consensus of U.S. government-funded experts decided that putting out any and all fires was a really nifty idea, in the distant past. Even now, they try to extinguish a vast majority of fire instead of letting them burn out the naturally-accumulated fuels.

    We have a saying in the Rx fire field (At least I do.): “If it’s burning, it’s because it needs to burn.”

    IOW’s: If it’s not threatening any homes, highways or businesses, let the damned thing burn.

  6. It would be great if the recent wild fires in the western USA were caused by CAGW.

    What if they were caused deliberately?

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