Arizona Children Just Won’t Know What Autumn Is

Global warming is hitting the Arizona desert hard today.

ScreenHunter_1343 Oct. 10 09.26

National Weather Service – NWS Flagstaff

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Arizona Children Just Won’t Know What Autumn Is

  1. Rex says:

    Al Gore must be in town.

  2. Otis says:

    Must be “Global Warming” induced snow.

  3. Ernest Bush says:

    In Yuma at the farthest southwest corner, it is 68 degrees at 10 am going for a high of 82, according to Weather Underground. The average high temperature for this date is 92 degrees. We haven’t seen such cool temperatures in mid-October in a long time. Yesterday the high was in the high 70’s. This is not looking good for a warm, sunny, winter, which is why we have a huge influx of snowbirds every winter. On the other hand we will not be dealing with piles of snow here, either.

  4. Mike D says:

    Well if there’s no autumn, and it goes straight to winter, maybe that will be true.

  5. leftinbrooklyn says:

    I’ll be ‘leftinflagstaff’ in a couple weeks. Can’t wait. Enough NYC.

  6. GregO says:

    Rained all morning here in Phoenix…

    Lovely weather!

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