Boner Proposes A Compromise Where Obama Gets More Than He Started With, And Republicans Get Nothing

Apparently Boner’s purpose of all this was to distract the press during the disastrous launch of Obamacare, and make sure that the American people get screwed.

The Republican Party is either lead by incompetent fools, or saboteurs. Why did these idiots start this fight if they didn’t intend to finish it?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Boner Proposes A Compromise Where Obama Gets More Than He Started With, And Republicans Get Nothing

  1. diogenes100 says:

    The continuing incompetence of Republican leadership is truly one of the great mysteries of our time, as they embrace defeat one more time. My only insight, facile though it may be, is that they just can’t stand up to the constant pressure of the blame blitz, day after day.

    • squid2112 says:

      Unfortunately, I believe it is far worse than that. The vast majority of our “leadership” has figured out that the majority of their constituents don’t realize that the “leadership” works for the people, at the direction of the people. There are just too many dipshits that think our governments place it to tell them what to do and direct their lives. Asshats like Boner and the rest, are so drunk with power, this realization that the people (near majority) are willing to be led around like sheep is simply overwhelming to them. We are being played as fools by both parties, in concert. If you believe that either political party is working for you in any capacity, what-so-ever, then you are simply another political victim (completely fooled). The only struggle between the parties is, who has the most buddies on the hill, otherwise, they are both one in the same, and they are volleying the political ball back and forth, ensuring this game will never end.

  2. Traitor In Chief says:

    This has been a common theme. But rather than simply capitulating, they actually held a meeting and seemed to think they were negotiating for something….

    So I would guess they “think” they are getting something in the deal, but we’d have more luck catching a herd of leprechauns than we would figuring out what they gained.

    Seemed to me they had it. They should have just waited and bought airtime to tell their side.

    They do have the crippling disadvantage of fighting the smear machine of the Obama Press.

  3. Barry says:


  4. Barry says:

    Well I for one am glad that the Tea Party has self immolated – they were incredibly divisive. Good at blowing things up but terrible at building anything permanent.

    • Now that both parties have solved the problems which created the tea party, the hundred million or so outraged Americans are happy to listen to the same moronic news sources which you listen to.

      • averyharden says:

        The conservative Wall Street Journal has Tea Party popularity at 21 percent.

        • Wall Street Journal is staffed by flaming New York liberal writers.

          Republicans control the house of Representatives because of the Tea Party

        • averyharden says:

          The Tea Party… and gerrymandering. The same guy that owns Fox owns the Wall Street Journal.

        • RAH says:

          They, like I, with my Gadsden flag flying under the stars & stripes on my 30′ pole, are just everyday Americans that Love their country and the Constitution it’s founding was based on and don’t like seeing what is happening to it or where the DC establishment is trying to take this nation using extraconstitutional means and activist justices.

          There was a mention of gerrymandering. Both parties do it when they have the power to do so. Fact is that the Tea Party has had a greater impact on state elections than they have on national elections and that is important for drawing the precinct lines and building an election base in the individual states. You wanna draw the lines then win the state elections and it’s been the Republicans that have gained a lot in many states over the last few years.

      • Barbara says:

        Re: the Tea Party: well said. I used to think that group a bit far out for me, too strident. I was wrong.

      • But the Tea Party is divisive! They want limited government constrained by the Constitution and that is very hostile to people who want a powerful Progressive régime. If instead of blowing things up they were willing to compromise and build something together with their adversaries, we could have just a little less powerful but permanent Progressive government and live happily ever after.

        Can’t we all just get along?

  5. crosspatch says:

    I see it differently. I see it as forcing Obama to put up or shut up. Obama said he would negotiate if Congress funds the government so Boehner is going to give him six weeks. If nothing comes of it in six weeks, we are effectively right back to where we are now.

  6. R. de Haan says:

    You have the enemy from within. No question about it.

  7. Okie says:

    I watch these “negotiations” with amazement. Spending bills originate in the House, according to the Constitution (a quaint idea, I know). If the House would pass actual individual department budgets with actual reductions in spending, they could sit tight and let Obama squirm. The CR strategy the democrats have used cedes the entire playing field to Obama.

  8. averyharden says:

    The Republicans don’t do the Democrats a favor by opening the government or averting default. That’s their job. Democrats have been willing for four years to put everything on the table for negociation, but their must be some compromise. Saying you will fund the government and pay the bills that are due is not a bargaining chip. Win more elections if you want more control. It is called democracy and republican form of government.

    • Cut the crap. The House sent a budget to the Senate weeks ago. Obama and Reid are the ones shutting down the government and threatening the default.

      Obama and the the press assume that Americans are idiots, but this is an idiot free zone.

      • averyharden says:

        The House budget “defunded” Obamacare under the threat of shutting down the governemnt and defaulting. That is not a bargaining position, that is hostage taking. The Democrats rightly say that the business of government can’t be done that way. There was never a chance the Democrats would succumb to that. Even most Republicans now admit that. Fear of the Tea Party primary challenge will have lessened and maybe main stream Republicans can go back to being a normal opposition party. Let’s hope anyway. The wild card is still the suicide Tea Party guys in insulated gerrymandered districts. Will they put the good of the country over the presumed good of their insular district.

    • “Win more elections if you want more control. It is called democracy and republican form of government.”

      You conflate democracy and republic. I don’t think it’s by accident.

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