Shock News : RINO Complains About Republicans

It has been almost a year since Chris Christie appeared in this award winning campaign ad for Barack Obama.

ScreenHunter_1469 Oct. 13 19.34

And he is back at it – sabotaging Republicans again in 2013.

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Chris Christie Slams Congress – The Daily Beast

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Shock News : RINO Complains About Republicans

  1. Don says:

    What a dope. They had a chance at the vacant Senate seat this Wednesday but Christie did little if anything to help Lonegan. He’s much more than a mere RINO, he’s for himself first, second and always.

  2. Wyguy says:

    Fat tub of crap.

  3. scizzorbill says:

    Christie occasionally makes a head fake to the right just to keep us fooled into thinking he is a conservative instead of an Obamabot commie infiltrator in the Republican party.

  4. Kaboom says:

    The Democrats are still missing three legislators from the last budget negotiations with Christie while one escaped traumatized and smeared with ketchup.

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