Boner Reaps The Rewards For Waffling And Appeasing

All that Boner needed to do was stick with the original simple plan of delaying Obamacare by one year. Instead of doing that, he panicked and started “looking for a solution.”

Obama doesn’t want a solution, he wants to score political points. Boner should have sent the bill over, and waited for Obama to sign it. Instead he has made a complete fool out of himself.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Boner Reaps The Rewards For Waffling And Appeasing

  1. Jorge says:

    Um, Steve, I recall you being the one who wanted to combine the debt ceiling and Obamacare/government shutdown talks together. I told you it was a mistake for this very reason. I told you that if you wanted to delay Obamacare the GOP should have unilaterally, and without conditions, as a “good will gesture” extended the debt ceiling and Obama would have been under pressure to do likewise with Obamacare and their would have been no crisis. Talks on the budget could have begun after all these things were settled. I told you that Democrats were salivating at the chance to combine the two issues and Ted Cruz and his idiotic followers screwed up big time by using the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip and attacking those who thought it was a strategic mistake as RINOs. For all of Cruz’ “intelligence” he fell right into Obama’s trap. The country could have easily survived the government shutdown, and we could have kept at it for months, but the debt ceiling issue was more immediate and took away any advantage we had. Now the same people who advocated this ridiculous “strategy” are now trying to pass blame onto others. Incredible. Boehner is weak, true. But his stupid mistake here was to ever listen to idiots like Ted Cruz in the first place. Boehner’s original approach, the one you had mocked, of promising no default was the right one. It’s too bad that Boehner can be compelled into doing dumb things by only 15 to 20 radical backbencher Congressmen.

  2. Pathway says:

    Here is how stupid Ted Cruz is: Cruz attended high school at Faith West Academy in Katy, Texas,[26] and later graduated from Second Baptist High School in Houston as valedictorian in 1988.[11] During high school, Cruz participated in a Houston-based group called the Free Market Education Foundation where Cruz learned about free-market economic philosophers such as Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Frédéric Bastiat and Ludwig von Mises.[20] The program was run by Rolland Storey and Cruz entered the program at the age of 13.[18]

    Cruz graduated cum laude from Princeton University with a Bachelor of Arts from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs in 1992.[1][4] While at Princeton, he competed for the American Whig-Cliosophic Society’s Debate Panel and won the top speaker award at both the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship and the 1992 North American Debating Championship.[27] In 1992, he was named U.S. National Speaker of the Year and Team of the Year (with his debate partner, David Panton).[27] Cruz was also a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship.[28]

    Cruz’s senior thesis on the separation of powers, titled “Clipping the Wings of Angels,” draws its inspiration from a passage attributed to President James Madison: “If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.” Cruz argued that the drafters of the Constitution intended to protect the rights of their constituents, and the last two items in the Bill of Rights offered an explicit stop against an all-powerful state. Cruz wrote: “They simply do so from different directions. The Tenth stops new powers, and the Ninth fortifies all other rights, or non-powers.”[24][29]

    After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor.[1][30] While at Harvard Law, Cruz was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[4] Referring to Cruz’s time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, “Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant.”[12][31][32][33][34][35] At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.[36]

    Cruz currently serves on the Board of Advisors of the Texas Review of Law and Politic

    By the way what do we really know about Obambi’s school performance?

    • Jorge says:

      I know right, all that schooling and he still does and says dumb things. Imagine that. He’s kind of like Obama that way. Obama was supposedly “brilliant” too, but I think Obama is dumb as an ox and a terrible leader for many of the same reasons.

      Everyone who has been to University knows someone who was real “book smart”, got great grades, but were totally hopeless in the real world. Likewise, everyone knows someone who never went to college but is sharp as a whip. Cruz hides behind his affirmative action-supported college education. I don’t care what his “credentials” are, I judge him by the outright stupidity of his “strategy” or lack of one.

      The problem with Cruz isn’t that he isn’t educated or connected. The problem with Cruz is that he has never done anything other than talk, talk, talk. He was a “debate champion”? So what. He’s argued cases before a court? So what. He wrote for some law review? So what. He has never run any organization or group or government or business or a company or a battalion or a division. He has no idea how to get something he wants. He has no idea how to get anything done. He has never been responsible for others, as leaders are, and, thus, leads people astray by promising them more than he can deliver. All he knows how to do is talk a lot and attract attention to himself.

      So the question is: who is the bigger fool? The fool, or the followers who follow the fool?

      • Ben says:

        RE: Jorge – “I judge him by the outright stupidity of his “strategy” or lack of one.”

        Your ambiguous wishy-washy balanced point of view of Cruz inspired me to look at him more closely, and for that, I thank you. 😉

        • squid2112 says:

          Holy crap, pretty impressive if you ask me. I see little “dumb” about him. If this is dumb, then Zero misses the scale entirely. Perhaps this is why he is so frequently referred to as “Zero”.

      • squid2112 says:

        Well Jorge, I don’t know a whole lot about Cruz, but I do know I like his position on most things. As for what you babbled on about to Steve in your above comment, I say bullshit. The dumbest thing going on here is that the GOP in the House hold all the cards and they still manage to find ways to blow it. They control the purse strings. Nothing can move without them, period. If I were the GOP, I would not fund a fricken thing. I most certainly would not raise the debt ceiling. This bullshit of “default” is just that, bullshit. It is impossible to “default”, so long as you abide by the constitution. So, Zero doesn’t service the debt with incoming revenue (which we have plenty of $$ to do) he is in direct violation of the 14th Amendment, a criminal and impeachable offense. If the GOP had any balls at all, they would use the power of the purse to do pretty much anything they wish, including the defunding of Zerocare. The GOP continue to waffle, flop flop, change direction, cave on this, and compromise on that. Zero knows they are weak and he is exploiting that. This is the problem when you have politicians that care more about their own wealth and power than doing the right things, which is precisely why we are in the situation we find ourselves in today. Too many decades of power drunk career politicians addicted to taxpayer money. This Dem vs. Rep game is all staged. It’s like WWF wrestling.

      • orson2Orson says:

        “I know right, all that schooling and he still does and says dumb things. Imagine that.” Huh? If you’re going to impugn Cruz, at least grace us with an example – like one to match Obama’s “57 states” “corps-man” or “Austrian language” comments. Huh?
        Furthermore, I want a statesman to deliver leadership. Leadership doesn’t come like a comic book movie, like Ironman. It comes by being a politician. Thus, I can’t fathom what your problem with Cruz is, other than you don’t like him.

  3. The larger picture is that everyone is trapped now in the playing out of a general testing of mankind, and the collective, societal situation is ungovernable, by Ted Cruz or anyone else–Obama, and his entire administration, and the Democrats in Congress, are basically an insane, criminal conspiracy. Only the people can save this country (or the world), and they are not united, nor understanding enough of what is needed either personally or collectively, to do that, considering all that divides us–you only have to read a little on Huffington Post, or the arguments of the climate armageddonists, to understand there is no reasoning with them, for example, and they think the same of you and me. Boehner and his like simply are working on the unfounded assumption that the system is working, when it is thoroughly broken (Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts chose to act as chief legislator, in ruling the Obamacare individual mandate enforcement was a “tax”, not a punitive fine–and the real legislators allowed him to do it, and the chief executive and his minions in the Justice Department suborned and applauded him, and the result is obvious tyranny, obvious obscenity, in the name of universal healthcare). There is too much absolute reliance on dogma, on all sides–and too much avoidance of dispassionate reason and the definitive evidence, at every decision point.

  4. bkivey says:

    “Instead he has made a complete fool out of himself.”
    Well, that makes him a self-made man. Obama needed Daddy Putin to help him out.

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