Obama Has Borrowed $2,400,000 Per Minute Since Taking Office

ScreenHunter_1569 Oct. 16 08.00

Table 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits (-): 1789–2018

Obama says that the US budget crisis is somebody else’s fault.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Obama Has Borrowed $2,400,000 Per Minute Since Taking Office

  1. Rex says:

    With all that money, America should be a socialist paradise by now.

  2. DGP says:

    Buying votes is expensive.

  3. Glacierman says:

    2012 is only lowere because of the Sequester.

  4. tom0mason says:

    But with a system of checks and balances every last cent can be accounted for.

  5. averyharden says:

    The US Debt Ceiling Raises Of The Past 30 Years:

    Reagan -18 times – 199% increase
    H.W Bush -9 times – 48% increase
    Clinton -4 times -44% increase
    W. Bush -7 times – 90% increase
    Obama -3 times – 26% increase

    • averyharden says:

      It is a little like climate science, cherry picking gives a false picture. I

    • I am going to ban you soon if you continue to lie. I have no patience for liars.

      Obama has borrowed as much as all other presidents combined,

      “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. government can’t pay its own bills. … I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.”

      — Then-Sen. Barack Obama, floor speech in the Senate, March 16, 2006

    • Ben says:

      RE: Avery – “It is a little like climate science, cherry picking gives a false picture”

      Agreed. So why do you lead the way in cherry picking?

      FDR – 512% increase in just 4 years, 9 months

      Instead of accusing Steven of cherry picking, your time would be better spent going back to fill in the remaining administrations.

      We could eliminate the whole kettle-pot-debacle.

    • Blade says:

      averyharden [October 16, 2013 at 5:53 pm] says:

      The US Debt Ceiling Raises Of The Past 30 Years:

      Reagan … 18 times 199% increase … 8 years … ratio 2.25
      Bush 41 … 9 times 048% increase … 4 years … ratio 2.25
      Clinton … 4 times 044% increase … 8 years … ratio 0.50 <– guess who?
      Bush 43 … 7 times 090% increase … 8 years … ratio 0.87
      Obama ….. 3 times 026% increase … 4 years … ratio 0.75

      It is a little like climate science, cherry picking gives a false picture.

      Naturally you miss the irony that your cherry-pick demonstrates that (D)ummycrat Congresses go on wild spending sprees requiring enlarging the credit card.

      There were only three completely NON-(D)ummycrat Congresses occurring from 1995-2000, reigning in the fat philanderer-in-chief Clinton ( and even then the nominally (R) Senate was RINO dominated, and decreased in number from the 104th-107th ).

      The most important lesson from all this Debt-Ceiling talk is that the liberal (D)ummycrats are completely out of the closet now, demanding increased debt, on the record, contradicting all their phoney bullshit that they spouted when out of power. As Steve has clearly pointed out, President DingleBarry has done a complete 180 on his own, specific words. And even that is just fine with the hypocritical leftist scum we see today.

  6. averyharden says:

    You sort of overlook the little economic issue that came up toward the end of Bush’s term before Obama became president. Cleaning up the mess hasn’t been easy, especially with all of the Republican obstruction. Maybe today’s new will be a turning point in finally getting back to legislative problem solving.

    • You sort of overlook the fact that unemployment was 4.7% when Democrats took over Congress in 2007 – and more than doubled it in less than three years.

    • Latitude says:

      AVery, you sort of overlook the little fact that toward the end of Bush’s term….he was a lame duck
      The country was run by democrats….
      Of course you’ll never see a democrat admit that….because you can’t blame a lame duck

    • Ben says:


      You sort of overlooked that Bush warned Congress dozens of times to stop authorizing stupid loans.

      what, do you think Bush should have went all extra-constitutional on Congress like Obama and just executive ordered his way to fame and fortune?

  7. kuhnkat says:

    I would add that during the Reagan years and Bush II we actually pushed back our enemies. Under Clintoon and Barry we assisted our enemies!!! Much cheaper to capitulate innit??

  8. Brian D says:

    Interesting little article concerning EBT funds. States gonna have to wait to get anymore for November unless budget passes. Major riots coming if this happens.

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