What If Climate Scientists Were Petroleum Geologists?

We are 95% certain that you will strike a vast oil reservoir 1,500 ft. below this location. Our increased certainty is based on our last 15 consecutive failures.

ScreenHunter_1605 Oct. 18 00.01

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to What If Climate Scientists Were Petroleum Geologists?

  1. Billyjack says:

    Being a petroleum engineer-you only get 3 shots. 1st dry hole is OK, it is very dark @ 1500′, 2nd you can skate, after all shit happens, 3rd failure you are looking for another job. Repeat the preceding and you are looking for another career.

  2. Otter says:

    Ask nuccitelli, he’ll know!

  3. Edmonton Al says:

    “Hi. Hey! Your “dry-hole Charlie the Petoleum Engineer, are you not?”
    “Yes, I am. Do you want fries with that?”

  4. Justa Joe says:

    The garbage output that passes for AGW “science,” which warmist are all too eager to tout as being nearly infallible, wouldn’t fly in any field of industry that I’ve ever heard of… well except maybe the fields of scince fiction, mass marketing, and politics.

  5. gator69 says:

    We would be riding horses.

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