Rough Day Today

Two bike rides, took the dogs for a hike, watched a munchkin football game in the park, archery, and tonight will be carving pumpkins with one of my kids using bows and arrows.

ScreenHunter_1668 Oct. 19 18.58 ScreenHunter_1667 Oct. 19 18.57 ScreenHunter_1669 Oct. 19 19.05

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Rough Day Today

  1. Olaf Koenders says:

    My God.. Look at the liquid drought in the horse pic 😉

  2. Latitude says:

    I didn’t realize the drought was so bad…
    ….thanks for the pictures

  3. gregole says:


    Stunning evidence of a complete lack of catastrophic climate change in Colorado. Climate change. Just another term for nice weather.

    Thanks for the photos Steve!

  4. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    It must have been lovely before we destroyed the planet.

  5. Andy Oz says:

    I’ll stop watering my lawn this summer. I never knew drought made the grass so green.
    (/sarc off)
    Perth has average rainfall and the media are still crapping on about drought caused by imaginary CAGW.

  6. Chuck says:

    Beautiful area of the country . Enjoy!

  7. Chuck says:

    Never carved a pumpkin with a bow and arrow. Please post a pic of the results!

  8. bkivey says:

    You may want to reconsider posting images of a normal Fall day in Colorado. Climate change alarmists may find it offensive.

  9. Edmonton Al says:

    WARNING: That cloud above the football players is an NSA spy satelitte disguised as a cloud, that is monitoring the team to make sure they are not playing with guns,
    OR, it is an alien UFO looking for Area 51. ;^)

  10. Sundance says:

    Enjoy while you can Steve. Colorado Progs will try to ban all football as violence or too dangerous. Animal rights groups will be protesting horse slavery and set them free from human ownership and borrowing from the Europeans, they will pass laws that give vegetables legal rights and you will deemed a criminal for shooting pumpkins with arrows. 🙂

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