Progressives Tell Us That One Of These People Is Really Smart, And The Other Is Really Stupid

ScreenHunter_1731 Oct. 21 22.01 ScreenHunter_1732 Oct. 21 22.02

This is what the smart (and handsome) one said – he thinks that witches are cooking the weather, and that legislation can change things controlled by the Sun.

“The evidence is overwhelming, the science is clear, and the threat from climate change is real and urgent.”  “The threat of a warming planet to our communities, our infrastructure and our way of life is also clear, rising sea levels and increasingly severe droughts, heat waves, wildfires, and major storms

This is what the stupid one said – she thinks that global warming is a scam which is choking the economy

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin called studies supporting global climate change a “bunch of snake oil science” Monday during a rare appearance in California, a state that has been at the forefront of environmental regulations.

Palin said California’s heavy regulatory environment makes it difficult for businesses to succeed, a point that is shared by many business leaders in the state.

She criticized what she said were heavy-handed environmental laws. As Alaska governor, for example, she said she sued the federal government to overturn the listing of polar bears as a threatened species.

We have been lazy, and have allowed the world’s most useless people to take over the US. Obama’s cabinet is just as bad as he is.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Progressives Tell Us That One Of These People Is Really Smart, And The Other Is Really Stupid

  1. Traitor In Chief says:

    There is a message here, but I’m not sure I can put a handle on it…. maybe something about not wearing a hair net too tight….

  2. bullright says:

    Loud and Clear. Must be a sign at the WH, “only freaks need apply”.

  3. WJohn says:

    Who he? And why is he training a very bad comb-over?

  4. Tiny Tim has a new job? I thought he was deceased.

  5. tom0mason says:

    When the ingredients are unappetizing trash and excrement the dish will leave a nasty taste in the mouth

  6. northernont says:

    Thats why Obama hand picked him for the Energy Secretary job. The man is a parrot. Spouts off what he is told to hear, no critical thinking. Sorry to parrots everywhere.

    • gator69 says:

      The man with the highest IQ, Christopher Langan, said that “academia is a breeding house for parrots”, and he is correct.

  7. Justa Joe says:

    It seems like the Teresa Heinz-Kerrys, George Soros, and other big Obama financiers of the world have a BIG say so in who get appointed to these cabinet and other high positions.

  8. orson2 says:

    US Energy secretary, Enest Moniz – since May 2013.
    He succeeded Nobel Laureate in physics, Steven Chu.

    At least his nomination caused dome enviro-nazis to worry that he might be too pro industry.

    “….some fracking proponents are expressing a bit of relief at the prospect of an Energy Secretary Moniz. ‘[A]t least it isn’t one of those fossil fuel-loathing, hardcore eco-zealots currently lobbying President Obama so hard against the practice of hydraulic fracturing altogether,’ reads a post on Hot Air, a conservative blog.”

    Thus reported The Christian Science Monitor, last winter

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