Sarah Palin Sends Piers Moron A Message

ScreenHunter_1864 Oct. 26 00.19

Sarah Palin taunts Piers Morgan with picture of bear she shot dead and posted on Facebook | Mail Online

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Sarah Palin Sends Piers Moron A Message

  1. Ed says:

    I suppose this was intended to be distasteful to a certain type of person. That would include me. If she wants to kill animals for fun, why not hide in the park and take out the Rottweilers and Staffordshire bull terriers? Then we could all have a laugh.

    • gator69 says:

      You don’t eat Rottweilers. Any idea how expensive steak is in Alaska? Ever enjoyed a cheeseburger? City folks just don’t understand where food comes from, they are so very removed from the natural world around them.

    • How many thousands of animals have been tortured on industrial farms, and killed to feed you during your life?

      • Ed says:

        Loads, but in the UK I and the other 60 million Brits ain’t gonna survive on badgers, foxes, hedgehogs and squirrels. There are too many people, but no one is queuing up to top themselves.

    • hannuko says:

      You can’t get any more natural – or if you prefer “organic” – than killing a wild animal for your own food.

      The animal had a free life and died quickly. It was luckier than about 99,999% of animals.

      The real sadists are the ones eating tortured chicken remains at KFC.

  2. Ed says:

    PS Thinking Piers Morgan is a c*nt isn’t controversial.

  3. SMS says:

    Pier’s would have preferred to Bitch-Slap the bear.

  4. Gamecock says:

    Sarah, please lean your gun toward the rump. You are sweeping yourself.

  5. Pathway says:

    Ed: It’s is referred to as the North American model of game management where hunters pay for virtually all of wildlife management through hunting fees. It is the most successful way to manage wildlife. In the late 19th century, market hunters had wiped out most big game animals across North America. Hunting conservationist banded together and got legislation passed to recover the animals through sound wildlife management practices. Today all species of big game and fowl are thriving due to ethical hunting.

  6. phodges says:

    I like Sarah Palin, she reminds me of some of my neighbors.

    She would have to break free of the Neocons however; we need another internationalist warmonger with an Israeli flag on their desk like we need a hole in the head.

    The sad truth is anyone that makes the national stage is somebody’s stooge.

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