White House Documents Three Years Of Hard Work Preparing For The Obamacare Roll Out

ScreenHunter_1924 Oct. 28 06.06

As Shutdown Crisis Unfolds, Obama Sets Personal Golf Record

As the House moved Saturday toward passing legislation that will likely result in a government shutdown, President Obama excused himself to play his customary Saturday golf, a round that set a record for most golf outings in a year since he became president.

It is perhaps emblematic of his declining influence on Capitol Hill that Obama chose not to work to affect the outcome of one of the most consequential pieces of legislation in years and instead engaged in his favorite recreational activity.

The House bill would maintain government funding if Obamacare is delayed a year, setting up a likely government shutdown Monday at Midnight if as expected the Senate fails to agree. The White House has said Obama would veto the bill, which passed early Sunday.

As Shutdown Crisis Unfolds, Obama Sets Personal Golf Record – Fox Nation

In other words, the Republicans did the right thing and Reid and Obama chose to shut the government down.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to White House Documents Three Years Of Hard Work Preparing For The Obamacare Roll Out

  1. Steve Keohane says:

    Shutting down parks because they couldn’t afford to keep them open, cost the feds $20-30,000 at just the Maroon Bells campgrounds, in lost fees.

  2. R. de Haan says:

    NSA, he didn’t know: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/10/28/politics/white-house-stopped-wiretaps/index.html

    To have the NSA to keep your back these day’s doesn’t make you look trustworthy does it.

  3. R. de Haan says:

    Golfing from behind. Saudi’s reset giving the US a cold shoulder is a good development: http://www.prisonplanet.com/a-welcome-ussaudi-reset.html

  4. Money Jihad says:

    Everybody around Obama has always done all of his work for him–a series of speech writers, ghost writers, teleprompters, campaign managers, and political & communications wizards. Obama, with his charmed existence, naturally assumed that all the underlings and coddlers would carry it out successfully again for him.

    It’s easy enough to cover up all the cracks of one man (Obama) or woman (Hillary), but covering up all the cracks in a massive piece of legislation where the rubber meets the road is a little trickier.

  5. Stefan v says:

    Look, just leave the Great Orifice on the golf course 24/7. Preferably in a water hazard, with the cart well chained to his neck; but we’d also settle for waist deep in a sand bunker (head first). Or, let him ride his faggy bike down Elm St, Dallas, on 22 Nov in memoriam of much better Democrat and human. He can even strap his well worn skeet cannon on his boneless back, since with his renowned marksmanship and proven combat skills he could pop any would-be descecrators of his exalted carcass in a Chicago minute. Biden can double on the handlebars, he’s a real Annie Oakley with the double shottie too, if one believes his advice. Michelle can go along in a green dress and be the Grassy Knoll.

  6. R. de Haan says:

    Alaska suspends Obamacare roll out after only three people applied….. http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/362381/alaskan-company-suspends-obamacare-enrollments-cites-faulty-subsidy-calculator


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