Shock News : The Arctic Is Not Melting Down

The amount of sea ice in the Arctic has hardly changed over the last decade, and this year has averaged more ice than 2005 or 2006.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Shock News : The Arctic Is Not Melting Down

  1. Eliza says:

    Arctic will continue stay within normal range for this whole year 2013-2014 and then will start to go above next year and continue to rise for the next 30 years LOL looks like even the BBC is caving in… See Paul Hudson Ice age coming

  2. Bob Greene says:

    You mean the predictions in 2007 and 2008 of completely ice free summer in 5 years didn’t happen? I must have missed the news, because I’m sure that those predictions failing would have been major stories.

  3. Andy DC says:

    Another chart showing terrifyingly stable weather!

  4. Dan s says:

    This does not take into account sea ice thickness. Arctic ice is decreasing rapidly. Nobody predicted a completely ice free arctic in 2008. That was the most extreme short end of a range and always considered very unlikely. The arctic is melting faster than expected. You climate deniers are always up to the same old bait-switch and deception.

  5. Kay Walsh says:

    What is it going to take to shut up the climate warming hysterics? We just had the coldest winter since 1912 and the Great Lakes froze over for the first time in memory.

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