Apocalypse II

In 1989 a UN spokesperson said we had ten years to save the planet from global warming. Five years ago a UN spokesperson said global warming would wipe out humanity in five years. Kirye, Toki and Sakura spent the morning documenting the imminent end of the planet.

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“dangerous warming of the planet”

NPR and Bill Gates scaring and using children to push their climate scam.

“the scientific consensus that human activity is primarily responsible for dangerous warming of the planet”

Montana climate trial: Defense arguments are set to begin in landmark case : NPR

Revealed: Documents Show Bill Gates Has Given $319 Million to Media Outlets

A century ago Glacier National Park was rapidly melting, but now the glaciers are growing.

“Medford Mail Tribune (Medford, Oregon) – 29 Dec 1923, Sat

Glacier Park Melting at a Rapid Rate in Scientist’s Opinion

CINCINNATI, Dee. 29.—(By the Associated Press)—The hot  seasons of the past few years have caused rapid disintegration of glaciers in Glacier National park, Montana, professor W. G: Waterman of North- western university declared in an ad- dress today before the Geological section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,

Sperry Glacier, studied by Professor Waterman, has lost one-quarter,  or perhaps one-third of its ice in the past 18 years, he said. If this rapid retreat should continue, the professor added, the glacier would almost disappear in another 25 years, but he expressed the opinion that the long dry seasons of the past few years is over with probabilities of a lessening in the retreat.”

29 Dec 1923, Page 5 – at Newspapers.com


Ice Caps Melting In Glacier Park

WASHINGTON, May 3.—The present generation is seeing Glacier National Park in its greatest glory, the. bureau of National parks is informed. This deduction is made from information recently given to the world by Dr. M. J. Elrod of the University of Mon-tana. Prof. Elrod declares the next generation of tourists and scenery hunters In all probability will see only comparatively insignificant chunks of ice where the massive glaciers of Glacier Park now lie. Dr. Elrod has made a study of the ice masses in. Glacier Park covering a period of 20. years. Sperry Glacier has receded approximately a quarter of a mile in the last 17 years, actual measurements show, and it will be only a limited time, “probably only a lifetime, until Grinnell Glacier is gone,” Dr. Elrod says.

“The glaciers now are only small remnants of former great ice masses. There is much apprehension concerning the accumulation of ice from year to year chase by the snows melting: and freezing. The surface is melting. down each year and Grinnell glacier, which is the easiest of access in the park, is receding. as are all glaciers in Glacier Park. The foot of Grinnell glacier is receding between 15 and 30 feet a year. Within a generation or two the glaciers in Glacier National Park may be so small as to be insignificant, but now they are well worth seeing.”

04 May 1924, Page 33 – Pittsburgh Daily Post at Newspapers.com

The Grinnell Glacier is still there and has grown over the past thirty years.


(99+) GLACIERS OF THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES | Richard Menicke and Carl Key – Academia.edu

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Greens Hoping To Destroy California’s Environment

“There is science, logic, reason; there is thought verified by experience. And then there is California.”

? Edward Abbey

The New York Times is bragging how the left has destroyed California’s human culture over the last seventy years, and are hoping to destroy the natural environment is well.

“Hitting these goals requires California to almost quadruple the amount of electricity it can generate — and shift what it now gets from polluting fuels to clean sources. That means turning huge areas of land over to solar farms, wind turbines and geothermal systems.”

“John Podesta, a senior adviser to President Biden on clean energy, said in a speech last month. “We got so good at stopping projects that we forgot how to build things in America.”

Opinion | Gavin Newsom Wants to Build. Everyone Is Not on Board. – The New York Times

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Two Days Left For The Planet

Five years ago this week, United Nations climate expert Greta Thunberg announced we only had five years left to save the planet from global warming. Time is up.

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WEF Banning Cars

The World Economic Forum is hoping to ban car ownership for most people, in order to make it easier for them to get to their private jets.

WEF Calls for 75% Reduction in Private Car Ownership – Slay News

Private jet emissions quadrupled during Davos 2022 | Airline emissions | The Guardian

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Climate Fakery Part 2

Another technique the press uses to misinform their readers about climate is to take a single out-of-context event and without any evidence try to convince their readers it is something unusual caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

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Democrats Add To Their Child Abuse

Climate Education in New Jersey: 7-Year Olds Are Finding Solutions – The New York Times

There is no indication that snow is disappearing in New Jersey.

Most of New York City’s ten largest snowstorms occurred this century.

Top 10 NYC Snowstorms

There has been no trend in Antarctic temperatures over the past 40 years.

RSS_TS_channel_TLT_Southern Polar_Land_and_Sea_v03_3.png (440×240)

Two years ago Antarctica had their coldest six months on record

Antarctica’s last 6 months were the coldest on record | CNN

According to the Democrat’s leading child expert, we only have three days left to save the planet from global warming.

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Climate Change Explained

“Hold onto your wallets — and hope you can hold onto your homes, cars and jobs — as you ride the wild roller coaster of climate-change politics.

By PAUL DRIESSEN  May 6, 2008

Climate-change politics is primarily about power: power to control — and curtail — the power we rely on to build, heat and cool our homes; produce raw materials, food and products; transport people and consumer goods; and sup- port modern living standards.

Its about simulations, scenarios and monsters conjured up by computer models that should never be used to determine government policy — especially on matters that profoundly affect livelihoods, living standards, lifespans, dreams and economic civil rights.

It’s about the selection, production, conservation, taxation and prevention of energy; about access to real energy versus mandates to use futuristic, mostly illusory and certainly insufficient alternative energy; and about who decides how much energy we will have, where it will come from, what it will cost and whether there will be enough to lift more families out of poverty.

So hold onto your wallets — and hope you can hold onto your homes, cars and jobs — as you ride this wild political roller coaster.”

06 May 2008, A13 – Fort Worth Star-Telegram at Newspapers.com

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Vacant Stare Over Greenscreen

Joe Biden proudly showing off his vacant stare in front of a superimposed greenscreen background.

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“a nation that is afraid of its people”

“a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”

–John F. Kennedy

The Democratic Party wants to cancel Robert Kennedy and the Libertarians.

11:33 AM · Jun 16, 2023

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