Climate Compassion And Attribution

Discussing global warming, Bing AI says : “If we act together with courage, compassion, and creativity, we may be able to avoid the worst outcomes” Since when does AI understand courage and compassion?

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The Big Climate Lie

CNN moves from one big lie to another. In this video I discuss some of their propaganda techniques.

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Disconnected Ranting

The level of crazy from climate alarmists appears boundless.

5:03 PM · May 10, 2023

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Important Announcement

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May 18, 1902 Tornado

A tornado on May 18, 1902 destroyed Goliad, Texas and killed more than 100 people.

20 May 1902, Page 1 – The Semi-Weekly Times-Democrat at

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Adidas “Women’s Sportswear”

adidas Pride Swimsuit – Pink | Women’s Swim | adidas US

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More Fake CNN Scientists

7:30 AM · May 17, 2023

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Biden Administration Spreading Western Values

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Bing AI – Compassion Needed To Stop Global Warming

Bing AI says we need compassion to save the human race from a one part per ten thousand increase in atmospheric CO2 over the past century.

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Obama Worried They Are Losing Control Of The Narrative

Barack Obama is upset the press no longer universally pushes the lies he has been promoting for the past fifteen years.

Obama: I’m Most Worried About ‘Divided Media,’ We Have Different Realities

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